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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Oh cripes WARS and PEACE are finally out!

- WARS - Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite
- PEACE - Project Extend And Change Everything
- War and Peace - WARS-PEACE Compatibility Patch
- The War Room - WARS Compatibility Patches
- Peace In Our Time - PEACE Compatibility Patches

Also, here's that Ammo Factory video I was talking about earlier:

- Ammo Factory

Just want to say thanks to everyone who contributed to WARS over the years, and thanks to everyone who helped in the closed beta.


(The closed beta is over now. Version 1.0 of everything I just released on the Nexus is the same as the latest beta versions, so you don't have to update if you don't want to. If I do release updates, remember to uninstall any beta hotfixes before updating.)



Anyway, this calls for a celebration!


More appropriate music though would be something like this, because - like when I finally released Clockwork after years of gruelling work - right now I feel like the embodiment of an awesome guitar solo.

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Lemme be the fir...sorry, the Third to witness this Monumental moment! And just before the next Todd game come out!

Finally, after 6 years I am motivated to download FO4 again. All thanks to antistar that made this miraculous re-balancing project in to fruition.

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Congratulations on releasing the mod! This was one if not the only mod I'd been keeping tabs on for every couple of months since around the latter half of 2018, and I'm really glad that you've come this far despite it's development hell with the wait for AmmoTweaks to update. I'm reinstalling the game to try this out!

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Awesome, congratulations. I've been following this mod/thread since before the Nexus AmmoTweaks mod had its comments section disabled (many years ago), but this is my first time commenting.

I hope to get back to Fallout 4 now with WARS and PEACE, and hopefully patch some weapon mods to work with them.

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Hey, wasn't sure if here or the WAR Room/Peace in Our Time Pages was the best place to ask, but I was wondering about a few things:


1. What's the intended scope/features of the WARS/PEACE patches for SS2?
2. What's your general philosophy when it comes to energy weapons and their place in WARS? I haven't had a chance to boot up the game lately, and energy weapons seem to come up very little, so I figured it might be helpful to ask for patching in the future, given many of the weapon mods in my list are energy-based.

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