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Sword Sound Effect does not play?


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So I seem to have a small problem where a certain sound doesn't play whatsoever, that being a regular sword (Imperial Sword, Iron sword, etc)


All my other SFX work perfectly fine, and not a single sound is broken for Axes, Great swords and so forth.


To explain this better: The equip sound for regular swords does not play yet all other sounds work perfectly fine. Surely this doesn't seem like MUCH of a big deal, but for me being a mix of 2H and 1H, and also paying SERIOUS attention to detail sometimes, it sometimes can be irritating.

And it is only this sound effect that doesn't play (regardless of what the SFX may be, a modded in one like in Immersive Sounds or something of the sort).


The only sort of change I made to my skyrim before this happened was switching to XMPS from XMPSE. (Just personal preference really.)


I tried installing Immersive Sounds - Weaponry to see if that would overwrite the sound and fix the problem yet it did nothing.


Can anyone help me on this?

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