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Bad Screen Tearing in Certain Locations


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At certain locations, usually indoors but sometimes outdoors, the screen really tears up and makes it hard to see where you're at. This only happens with Skyrim SE - It's never happened with original Skyrim. I thought it was a mod problem at first but disabling them individually didn't make a difference. I've updated Nvidia drivers up to 375.95 but it has persisted. Graphics card is 980TI.


Has anybody found a fix? Here's a sample pic but usually it's much worse when it happens.

Edited by Rudeman
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That doesn't look like screen tearing to me.


A 980 ti well sometimes tear in windowed mode. It will also tear if there is more than one vsync in use & it will sometimes tear if no vsync is used.


My 980 ti will tear with any of the above.


With this engine the tear is closer to the bottom of the screen & looks like a ripple moving forward. Strafing, the tear is in the center & looks like the center of the screen is separating from the top & the bottom.


Your issue looks like game engine artifacts. They usually go through the screen on angles like in your picture. The usual cause is bad ini edits or mods that are doing something the engine don't like.


All this stuff is easy to test.


Save your ins or move them to another folder. Let the game create new ones.

Start a new character. Your current saves could be corrupt. Doing edits like changing the ugridstoload more than once in a save can do this sort of thing.


If the problem is still there. look at the forums on the mod pages that you have installed starting with follower & armor mods. You my find a clue there. Sometimes improperly configured meshes can cause this.


It also could be a driver/engine issue. This is really rare. To fix completely uninstall your video drivers & reinstall.


Right now I am using 375.70. They are super stable with the 980 ti & I will only update when an SLI profile comes out for this game.



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