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Simple mod that makes the DLC's come later/better timed?


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When I first played oblivion it was on console and I loved it, probably still one of my favourites. I upgraded to pc like 6 years ago and recently got Oblivion again a couple weeks ago and obviously, with all the dlc's it was nice to have access to all the content but my issue is the timing of it.


I know I could basically just not use them, but having access to frostcrag, deepscorn etc. with their fast travels so early is silly because they have things that are a bit op for starting, I like a sense of reward, kind of like how if I were to try to start the knights of the nine too early I can't because I'm not renowned enough.



All of the private bases are immediately accessible and it takes 2 in game days until you can do shivering isles.


Is there a simple mod that could time these quests that start shivering isles/give access to the new player homes a bit less immersion-breaking?


The idea would be something like this:


The player homes would be unlocked upon gaining leadership of said faction, so frostcrag = arch-mage, thieves den = thieves guild, deepscorn = dark brotherhood etc. etc. You get the point.


Shivering isles would be post-sheogorath daedra quest and/or main quest (I think there are dialogue changes depending on the daedra quest so, maybe, maybe not, depends on preference).


Mehrunes would be post-main quest.


Any thoughts?

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I use SM Plugin Refurbish for all but the Shivering Isles, and use VCI Shivering Start for SI (gives different possible requirements for the SI start).


Another option for SI is A Strange Door. It gives much more flexible options for SI start ... I would be using it myself except it wasn't released until after I already had my load order set and had started playing my most recent character.


One nice thing with VCI is it has an LOD file that hides the island until the quest starts. That LOD file can also be used with either A Strange Door or the SM Plugin Refurbish versions.

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