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Generic Dragon Voices


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Alduin, Paarthurnax, and Odahviing all have voices when they converse, but something seems amiss whenever they breathe fire. It also applies to the generic unnamed dragons.


When I watched the demo videos, I could have sworn I heard the dragons actually say the words "Yol" or "Toor Shul" immediately before their breath weapon. Now, in-game, even with Alduin, all I hear is that screeching roar. The subtitles for the words show up, implying that they are saying something, but the Words of Power are never actually heard.


Is this a bug? Or did Bethesda intentionally leave it out last-minute?

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I don't know, but if you set your race to the dragon race, and you shout, you'll hear a deep voice saying the words of the shout, not the generic roar.


The roar sounds cool, but I agree - where's the word itself? I'm wondering what happened there.


Hmm...seems to me that if it works when you set your race to dragon, it should work for dragon 'NPCs.' But it doesn't. :confused:


This suggests it's some sort of bug. But what could fix it?

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