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Want to get into modding


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Hey all,

I have some questions since I really want to create my own mods in this game, I have googled and looked around a bit but i figured just asking here might provide more and better information for me!


1. This is problably my most important question , Is it difficult and does it require any scripting knowledge?

I know that creating complicated mods might be difficult and requires experience.

2. Is the tools you use to mod with advanced ?

3. Is adding textures to the game simple?

4. Any tips on what programs / mods I should use to get started?

5. The thing I want to do first is creating immersive objects with a function, a great example of what I want to make is something similar like THIS mod but not an infirmary.


I really want to learn, i'm asking if it's difficult just so I know what i'm getting into since I really don't have any previous scripting knowledge.


Any answers would be grealy appreciated.



// sfrebo





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1. You learn bit by bit and get better at it. It is not difficult at all once you know how.

2. Nope.

3. Yep. Make a texture and place it in the correct folder.



Bodyslide and Outfit studio - For mesh editing
Nifskope - For mesh optimizing
GIMP - For texture editing
Material Editor - For material (BGSM/BGEM) editing
BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor) - For exporting materials/textures or meshes from the game
Creation Kit and FO4Edit - To implement the mod into the game or make AWKCR/AE based mods


5. I haven't gotten into scripting because I honestly couldn't figure out anything due to lack of tutorials for Fallout 4. I did however learn a tremendous amount for everything else. The best advice I can give you is to learn from others. Download their mods and dissect them. See how they did some things and learn that way. That's how I learned 90% on how to make mods.


Modding is not difficult at all and infact is extremely fun, but it doesn't come overnight. Learn bit by bit and get better. I personally didn't expect to become a modder, but one day I just got tired of asking for someone to make stuff. Now I make my own stuff and it's fun as hell.

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The scripting isen't that hard either once you get used to it. And while there aren't that many tutorials for fallout 4 specificaly there are for skyrim and the scripting is mostly the same only some functions have changed slightly and some have been added.

If you want to start scripting the best thing you can do is start by bookmarking the scripting reference page on the CK wiki. You'll use it almost every time you work on your scripts. And for writng the script use something other than the ck editor like notepad++.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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  On 11/26/2016 at 4:41 PM, crimsomrider said:

1. You learn bit by bit and get better at it. It is not difficult at all once you know how.

2. Nope.

3. Yep. Make a texture and place it in the correct folder.



Bodyslide and Outfit studio - For mesh editing

Nifskope - For mesh optimizing

GIMP - For texture editing

Material Editor - For material (BGSM/BGEM) editing

BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor) - For exporting materials/textures or meshes from the game

Creation Kit and FO4Edit - To implement the mod into the game or make AWKCR/AE based mods


5. I haven't gotten into scripting because I honestly couldn't figure out anything due to lack of tutorials for Fallout 4. I did however learn a tremendous amount for everything else. The best advice I can give you is to learn from others. Download their mods and dissect them. See how they did some things and learn that way. That's how I learned 90% on how to make mods.


Modding is not difficult at all and infact is extremely fun, but it doesn't come overnight. Learn bit by bit and get better. I personally didn't expect to become a modder, but one day I just got tired of asking for someone to make stuff. Now I make my own stuff and it's fun as hell.

Thx for the info! :)

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  On 11/26/2016 at 5:13 PM, LoneRaptor said:

The scripting isen't that hard either once you get used to it. And while there aren't that many tutorials for fallout 4 specificaly there are for skyrim and the scripting is mostly the same only some functions have changed slightly and some have been added.

If you want to start scripting the best thing you can do is start by bookmarking the scripting reference page on the CK wiki. You'll use it almost every time you work on your scripts. And for writng the script use something other than the ck editor like notepad++.

Thx! :)

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  On 11/27/2016 at 3:29 AM, sfrebo said:


  On 11/26/2016 at 4:41 PM, crimsomrider said:

1. You learn bit by bit and get better at it. It is not difficult at all once you know how.

2. Nope.

3. Yep. Make a texture and place it in the correct folder.



Bodyslide and Outfit studio - For mesh editing

Nifskope - For mesh optimizing

GIMP - For texture editing

Material Editor - For material (BGSM/BGEM) editing

BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor) - For exporting materials/textures or meshes from the game

Creation Kit and FO4Edit - To implement the mod into the game or make AWKCR/AE based mods


5. I haven't gotten into scripting because I honestly couldn't figure out anything due to lack of tutorials for Fallout 4. I did however learn a tremendous amount for everything else. The best advice I can give you is to learn from others. Download their mods and dissect them. See how they did some things and learn that way. That's how I learned 90% on how to make mods.


Modding is not difficult at all and infact is extremely fun, but it doesn't come overnight. Learn bit by bit and get better. I personally didn't expect to become a modder, but one day I just got tired of asking for someone to make stuff. Now I make my own stuff and it's fun as hell.

Thx for the info! :smile:


If you want to do a weapon or armor without using vanilla assets (actual piece of armor, weapons, things of the game) you need programs like blender or 3ds to do the meshes.

About the texture there is also substance painter 2, its a really good program for texture.

Edited by xNxmod
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  On 11/26/2016 at 4:41 PM, crimsomrider said:

BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor) - For exporting materials/textures or meshes from the game


Did you know the Creation Kit comes with Archive2 which does the same thing? Since we are getting it anyways with it, helps to cut down on the amount of tools we use to pool our attention.


Also, the forums and mods give ideas. If you are mature, due to the amount of adult material here, you can learn a lot from it. I started learning about meshing and texturing from BodySlide and being confused with body types and presets. Now I take textures from different skin packs to achieve custom looks like an oily, muscular, tattooed skin. Previously I didn't know how the texturing worked or that I could do that. I'm still trying to learn Blender / Gimp and all that, but I have a much better grasp. After a lot of time spent looking at a ton of skin mods, I can now guess how beads of sweat should look on the unwrapped and laid out texture or in the case of a hand texture recently if it wouldn't wrap properly and show up funny in game.


Also asking mod authors how they did things. If I see an idea I like such as the Red Tourette Raider Workshop I ask how the outside and inside cells workbenches share their inventory. Also, don't be afraid to make yourself a fool. You'll goof up and ask newb questions, like how I asked crimsonrider about Zatanna and what tools were being used when it said so on the title page and I'm thinking to myself how could I forget that.


Just so long as you aren't a jerk, and put forth some effort you can learn little by little.

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All the above posts offer sound advice to help you get started. Like all things, it might seem overwhelming at first, but if you stick with it you'll start seeing results. A bit of patience, lots of reading, and knowing that you'll make mistakes and struggle along the way are all helpful. Start off simple, and work your way up to bigger things. Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask questions - we all started from the same place, so most modders can empathise & are willing to help those with less experience.


Edited by AGreatWeight
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