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ArmoryLab Lighting Issue


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I'm trying to make a few additions to the ArmoryLab in my game (a couple new rooms) and have run into something weird that I can't figure out.


Since my modding skills have proven horrible I was going to take the easy path and simply duplicate the weapon display room, empty all the cases out, refurnish for the rooms I want to add and connect it to a new door. I've managed that much before with success. (In a different mod, not ArmoryLab)


This time though the lighting is giving me problems. For some reason the duplicated room is darker then the original. Both rooms have 1 light in the list so I don't know where things went screwy. Hoping someone will be able to steer me in the right direction...

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Duplicated cells will always default to zero lighting.Fear not it is very easy to fix.


What you need to do is load your mod in the Construction Set.


Find your duplicated cell in the Cell View Window and right click on it - select 'edit'.


This will bring up the cell window where you can find the lighting tab,click on the lighting tab.


In the Ambient window set R G B values to your liking _ setting each one to 75 is a reasonable starting point.Or copy the lighting settings from the mod you are copying.


Click the apply button,close the window,save the mod,exit and test in game.

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Well, I've somehow managed to screw the entire ArmoryLab up. The lighting fix was simple and adding the rooms I wanted to add and connecting them to new doors was easy. Went in-game to check that everything was working right and ended up in the original AL, the one with the pedestal/containers and the forge. Went through and the weapon and armor display case rooms, the lab, the arboretum and the storage room are fine. My trophy room and 4th mannequin room are not there though and the 3 nice mannequin rooms are replaced by the one original room.


Went back to the CS and found that there are several issues with the ArmoryLab cells:


The entrance mannequin room is zero lighting and has no side walls

The armor display case room is nothing but a door

The weapon display case room is nothing but 2 doors and a display case

The storage room, arboretum and lab aren't even listed anymore


Decided to toss and redownload the esps to remove whatever mistakes I made but the freshly downloaded files have the exact same issues. Help!

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Another issue that may be affecting you is the save game you're using to test. Some things are permanent in your save game (e.g. load door locations). Load an old save game and the door is in the old location ... start a new game and the door will be in it's new location.
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I just tried it with a completely new install of AL and the enhancement and a brand new character that I warped out of jail. Everything in the AL is still messed up. I just don't get how the problems can be carrying over between esps. I thought redownloading the files and reinstalling them after deleting the bad ones would have restored it.


Starting to get the bad feeling that I'm going to have to reinstall everything unless there are any more ideas. Not looking forward to doing the fcom install again...

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And a new problem has joined the party, I can't create anything. Decided to try putting my new knowledge of lighting to use and create something to replace the AL but the ESP never shows up in the data folder and the only thing that I find via a windows search is a shortcut to the ESP...which doesn't work.


So glad it's almost January...

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Wait a minute! Could the UAC thing also be the cause of the ArmoryLab problem? I edited the ESP for the enhanced AL and now I'm only getting the original, maybe it can't find the edited ESP???


That still doesn't explain why the AL problems persisted into freshly downloaded ESPS though...

Edited by windclan
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