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[LE] Help With Lava

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I created a trap with the appearance of lava at the bottom. I have added a trigger, I believe it is called, with the fire trap damage, but it takes too long, I want instant death. Can anyone recommend how to do this? I have tried creating my own trigger & adding destruction data. Found one called lava & duped it, set it to give damage of 10000 per sec but nothing I try works. I have no idea what to do here. Any legit recommendations will be appreciated.

Thank You. :)

Edited by NexTextGorilla
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Thank you both for taking time to reply. I am afraid that I do not know how to do either of these things. This is an area that is new to me & I have failed to grasp the necessary information from what I have found thus far. Could you give me a bit more detail? I imagine it is super simple, but...I do not understand. Thank you.


Now I can explain a bit more clearly what I have tried, if this helps.

I created a new trigger & edited the base.

Here I opened the water type, creating a new one of these as well & enabled to damage per second. Setting the dps to 10000 ( does nothing)

I then added a fire script, it burns the target but not enough, fast enough. I have no idea how to modify its damage or dps.

Originally placed a normal spike trap, but my poor test subject would just drop down, taking a bit of damage, but not continually & stand right on it. No idea why. When I drop down I was getting chewed up. I opened the HazardBase script & changed what I thought was damage to 10000, but still nothing. I am wrong here & I simply lack the experience or understanding to complete as desired.

Edited by NexTextGorilla
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In the editor there is a box on the top bar with a small T in it, click that.

Click where you want to put the trigger box. It will pop up a box called "Select Form".

Select "DefaultOnEnterTrigger", you will see a red box, now use the arrows on the box to size it

or double click it and edit the tab primitive and set the bounds as you like ...


Once set up add this script from the script tab of the new box trigger and compile.

(if you can't compile unarc the Scripts.rar or Scripts.zip file in the data folder)




ScriptName _MYMOD_LavaDeath Extends ObjectReference

Function OnInit()

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0)

State done
;do nothing



ezpz :smile:

Edited by NexusComa
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In the editor there is a box on the top bar with a small T in it, click that.

Click where you want to put the trigger box. It will pop up a box called "Select Form".

Select "DefaultOnEnterTrigger", you will see a red box, now use the arrows to size it or

or double click it and edit the tab primitive and set the bounds as you like ...


Once set up add this script from the script tab of the new box trigger and compile.

(if you can't compile unarc the Scripts.rar or Scripts.zip file in the data folder)





Oh, thank you so much! I will try it now. :smile:

Edited by NexTextGorilla
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In the editor there is a box on the top bar with a small T in it, click that.

Click where you want to put the trigger box. It will pop up a box called "Select Form".

Select "DefaultOnEnterTrigger", you will see a red box, now use the arrows on the box to size it

or double click it and edit the tab primitive and set the bounds as you like ...


Once set up add this script from the script tab of the new box trigger and compile.

(if you can't compile unarc the Scripts.rar or Scripts.zip file in the data folder)




ScriptName _MYMOD_LavaDeath Extends ObjectReference


Function OnInit()




Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)

If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()

Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0)




State done

;do nothing






ezpz :smile:

I'm having hella problem compiling. I thank you for putting it down for me. I'll work around this eventually.

Kudos. :smile:


As I figured, it had to do with using MO.

Used this


& can now compile the pile....:D


It does not work.

Does this only kill the player? I am testing on an npc that I have standing on my door.


I am not sure if I did it right.

What I did:

Created the Trigger with the T icon & set the appropriate size.

Double clicked it , went to the end to the Script tab & hit the Add button.

Chose Add New from the top & named it.

FINALLY compiled :)

Now I R clicked it & chose edit source & added the script you provided, minus the first line.

Hit save.


Do you see what I did wrong?

Thanks :)

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This is a straight copy from it now & I see that I could have done this all at once when creating. I didn't have to use the Edit Source.


Scriptname _TEST_ extends ObjectReference
Function OnInit()

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0)

State done
;do nothing

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Gratz on getting it to compile that was 1/2 the battle. Now you can really mod !


yep only the player


looks like you did it right ...


player and NPC would look like this


Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0)




never tested this but looks right

however some npc's can't be killed ...


use a Debug.MessageBox("I made it this far")

to see if the logic is working ...


like this ...


Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()

Debug.MessageBox("killing player")
Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0)

Debug.MessageBox("killing npc")



Edited by NexusComa
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