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CTD whenever I equip a mod weapon


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I just recently bought and installed the Steam version of Oblivion. I use Nexus Mod Manager to manage my mods. I have quite a few mods installed but most are texture replacers with a few new adventures thrown in (like the Lost Spires). My problem is that whenever I equip a weapon added to the game from a mod my games crashed to desktop 99% of the time. It happens inside/outside everywhere. Whats weird is that I can equip the weapon in the inventory screen and see it on my character model there but when I exit out to the game world the game crashes. Same thing if I hotkey the weapon and equip it that way. So far the only weapons I have added that don't crash are Sinblood's Lethal Majesty weapons (the fans). Whats really weird is that all the armor works just fine. No crashes. Just the weapons. I have Macros Samurai mod, Apachii Goddess Store, Blacklusters weapons, etc. I have the latest version of OBSE installed and the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I have installed and used Oblivion before with a lot of the same mods (non-Steam though) and I have never had this problem before. The vanilla weapons work fine though, only weapons added from mods seem to have this problem. I also used TES4 Edit to check for conflicts and to create a merge patch. It didn't find any conflicts except for some in the Race category, nothing in weapons. Any help would be appreciated.
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Is your Steam installation in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) and are you running either Vista or Windows 7? If so do yourself a favour and get Steam (and Oblivion) out of Program Files. Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure has a link near the top to instructions on moving your Steam installation.
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Is your Steam installation in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) and are you running either Vista or Windows 7? If so do yourself a favour and get Steam (and Oblivion) out of Program Files. Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure has a link near the top to instructions on moving your Steam installation.



I am running Windows 7 64-bit and Steam is installed in Program Files (x86). Can you please elaborate on why I need to move my ENTIRE Steam directory along with my all my Steam games and saves to somewhere else on my hard drive? I have previously had Oblivion (non-Steam) installed on my same machine in the Program Files (x86) directory (though in a different sub-folder) and it worked just fine even with all my mods and I didn't have this crashing problem.

Edited by LycanusTigre
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I am running Windows 7 64-bit and Steam is installed in Program Files (x86). Can you please elaborate on why I need to move my ENTIRE Steam directory along with my all my Steam games and saves to somewhere else on my hard drive? I have previously had Oblivion (non-Steam) installed on my same machine in the Program Files (x86) directory (though in a different sub-folder) and it worked just fine even with all my mods and I didn't have this crashing problem.


Because Steam, UAC and mods don't work well together.


Not having Steam in that directory is a good idea just in general though.

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Your other Steam games may be modern ones, designed from the start to work alongside UAC. Oblivion was designed back before UAC was even a dream in some Microsoft engineer's mind. If you know a way to install the Steam version of Oblivion in a directory such as C:\Games\Oblivion while leaving your Steam installation in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam then feel free to ignore my advice.
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