snelss0 Posted November 28, 2016 Share Posted November 28, 2016 (edited) 1. I think you need to clean dawnguard.esm twice they say.3. What should be in your SKSE.ini is: [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048 [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 EnableDiagnostics=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 Your SkSe.ini should be placed (if using NMM) in your Skyrim/Data/SKSE folder5. Well I hope you can get your skyrim stable and try one out! Edited November 28, 2016 by snelss0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Novocaine69 Posted November 28, 2016 Author Share Posted November 28, 2016 (edited) As for your Rigor or IA issue, that's good. Glad you figured out a couple mods not compatible either with each other or something else. I however don't know what those are. If IA is Immersive Armors, I know that it is not a buggy mod, so I'd lean more towards Rigor being a bad mod, but it's hidden on the nexus so I'm not sure. 1. Installing Better Vampires. Make sure you reaaaally read his page. There is critical load order in installing this mod to make it work. 2. Clothing and clutter fixes + Weapons and armor fixes + Complete Crafting overhaul combo mods work fine with SMIM. Just have them in the correct load order. It should say on Clothing and Clutter Fixes' page. 3. Trade and Barter might be alright together with your other mods. Not 100% though. 4. As for your OBIS+Immersive Citizens+Immersive Creatures+OpenCities. I really cannot speak to these as I've never used them, but I look at it like this: You were experiencing problems with your mods before, so go simple. Think of your skyrim world as an incomplete puzzle. Now each of these mods add a puzzle piece, but what are they connecting to? NPCs in some form or fashion right? When I get that alarm going off in my head, then I make sure I really dig into the forum/post/requirement/recommended/and install sections of the mod pages. A lot of time these mods do not work well with other mods besides mods that affect npcs. Really, just do your research, and if a mod doesn't say whether it is compatible with another, test it out; ask the mod author; look to see if there are conflicts in TES5Edit- stuff like that. So in another example, you have Equipping overhaul and sneak tools, so is that going to be compatible with your crafting/clothing/weapon+armor fixes mod? Something to check out. 5. I would check to make sure that the Classic oblivion jail system is going to work with open cities. 6. You still haven't moved your xpmse down to the bottom of your load order, just above Alternate startyes im 100% sure Rigmor and immersive armor conflicted upon starting new game 1. even though ive read all there is on his page, think im gonna put better vampires for a lot later or maybe never 2. i just did, tested it, no crash seems good! even though idk if this is related, but i see NPCs eating.. air and drinking air (they are empty handed but doing the eating/drinking animation) 3. gonna hold off on trade and barter for now i guess 4. well, this is the scary part, open cities and adding more NPCs with HDT physics, if i was on special edition things would be fine, (btw ive always used open cities since it released on oblivion then followed it up on skyrim) but if adding more npcs gonna screw up stability i dont think i wanna take that risk, as for immersive citizens, its AI change and has a compatibility patch for open cities so... but yeah 5. also gonna hold off on this 6. i moved it just now, didnt get any crashes with it where it was before so i thought the ones under it dont really count affect it 1. I think you need to clean dawnguard.esm twice they say.3. What should be in your SKSE.ini is: [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048 [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 EnableDiagnostics=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 Your SkSe.ini should be placed (if using NMM) in your Skyrim/Data/SKSE folder 5. Well I hope you can get your skyrim stable and try one out! 1. LOOT says its clean i'll check 2. done its also worth mentioning ive installed ENBboost (just for boost not graphical in anyway) thinking no harm in that? 3. i think this is pretty much it for now =) any other mods i'll be adding gonna be small things here and there, and i'll know instantly if i just installed a bad one or not, it is JUST the special edition got me spoiled on how much more stable it is, guess i'll have to wait for the dust to settle and more mods get ported/official updates. thanks a lot for all your help and replies friend! may the 8 guide your way Edited November 28, 2016 by DarkFadi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 28, 2016 Share Posted November 28, 2016 Hah, you're welcome. Hope all this helps.1. LOOT will say it's clean, but watch some master cleaning videos on youtube, they will do it twice.Enboost should be fine. As for all your other mods, just make sure you read the directions and think logically about what could conflict. Skyrim is buggy enough, but adding mods into it can sometimes create havoc in an already screwed up system. These mod authors take a lot of time testing their mods and adding information to help you, but when that even fails, sometimes just common sense in keeping to mods that don't overlap can be good to do if you want a crash-free game. Just keep going systematically through your mods like you are doing, slowly adding some and stressing the game in various ways. Slowly your mod list will grow and grow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Novocaine69 Posted November 28, 2016 Author Share Posted November 28, 2016 Hah, you're welcome. Hope all this helps.1. LOOT will say it's clean, but watch some master cleaning videos on youtube, they will do it twice.Enboost should be fine. As for all your other mods, just make sure you read the directions and think logically about what could conflict. Skyrim is buggy enough, but adding mods into it can sometimes create havoc in an already screwed up system. These mod authors take a lot of time testing their mods and adding information to help you, but when that even fails, sometimes just common sense in keeping to mods that don't overlap can be good to do if you want a crash-free game. Just keep going systematically through your mods like you are doing, slowly adding some and stressing the game in various ways. Slowly your mod list will grow and grow.well that is the thing, i usually download mods 1 at a time, have like 10 or 20 and i play, and as i play i think of things id like to add, so i search for a mod for them, other times im just casually looking through nexus, but this time i already had mods downloaded ready, from my previous playthrough last year updated what had a new version and got a few new ones here and there, adding them all at once is madness and a lesson well learned, but i had no choice i had my mind set on a type of playthrough, what brings me back to skyrim always is the mods, the amazing work mod creators do, each time is a different experience i will look into the dawnguard thingie! also i think i have 5 warnings from LOOT about dirty mods, im afraid to clean them as sometimes the mod creators say (do not clean) then its hard to tell which ones safe to clean and not so im holding off on that for now im currently downloading interesting NPC's (yes your gonna wanna kill me haha) but ive never actually tried this mod, and i always seen it years back since it first started, but i always said "ohhh its too big", in either way, i think im on the safe side now, if i add this, it would be the only NPC adding mod i'd have in my list, as you can tell im itching to fill up my world in skyrim with more npcs, since im guessing im on safe side im gonna install it using NMM, things go south i can just get rid of it right? if you know any information about the mod would be greatly appreciated, ive read all i can find on it, compared to my mod list, i didnt find anything could go badly? or is this too great of a risk! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 28, 2016 Share Posted November 28, 2016 From what I understand, if LOOT for the most part is giving you a warning about a mod to be cleaned, it means that it is not using the dirty edit in its programming. While that is not always the case, generally the mod author knows about LOOt and will put on their page NOT to clean the mod. Check the forums and posts sections as well as the main page to make sure none of the mods that need cleaning have this warning and then feel free to go ahead and clean it.I've never used that mod, sorry. From his page, he says to download it manually and then use your NMM to install it. He also says not to use mods like footprints.esp or wetandcold since they too are known too be heavy in scripting (on his forum page under FAQs "OMYGAAH this mod is huge" section). He does suggest to clean this mod if it gives you errors.The most incompatible mods with this are mods that make extensive edits to vanilla interiors and exteriors, in the towns and cities, and are bound to be at odds with it. Especially inns and taverns. Your skill editing/crafting mods are compatible. Texture mods for cities are dicey, but possibly mixed. There is a patch for Alternate start mod if you use that ever. There is a conflict with Becoming Jarl of Ivarstead if you ever use it, as well as an RS Children patch, and a few others you may want to check out. It's late, so I can't focus enough to see your mod list again. But hope that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Novocaine69 Posted November 28, 2016 Author Share Posted November 28, 2016 after some serious thought, i went ahead and installed it, put everything where it needs to be, added w'e patches i could find, loaded my game, went into the first inn i could find, talked to 2 fully voiced full of dialogue NPCs that for a minute thought were vanilla, this is amazing, so far no problems hope it stays that way, could you link me to the post where the creator says wetandcold and footsteps specifically can make problems with it? i havent found such information, because with this addition i think im satisfied with the build now! as for the cleaning, as i mentioned eariler, since no crashes it would be better to hold off on cleaning, but i'll cross-check the ones LOOT thinks are dirty and check their pages for warnings but not cleaning them, if i dont find any mention of that might just clean them, only takes me a few minutes after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 28, 2016 Share Posted November 28, 2016 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Novocaine69 Posted November 29, 2016 Author Share Posted November 29, 2016 (edited) see, he says performance impact, thats all, and if you see my game right now, its full of scripted things lol, performance is crappy (it runs 60fps but when scripts need to load there would be mini-stutters) i dont mind it really, so its fine. as im playing through, im seeing a lot of weird stuff, bugs, AI failures, nothing game breaking but feels like the game's engine is barely keeping it together, bugs im getting are ones like vanilla scripted encounters with NPCs, they do what they're supposed to but before that they just stand around then they do idk, other bug ive seen is at whiterun one of the shop keepers leaning towards counter but doing that in middle of the street, and cant talk to him lol, another one is i saw one NPC sitting on an invisible chair.. CTD count: 1Freeze: 1im pretty sure they were just random, CTD and freeze is bound to happen possibly unrelated: i had to replace UFO with Extensible Follower Framework as soon as i ran into a bug where one follower isnt being sent back home Edited November 29, 2016 by DarkFadi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 Make sure that your Vsync is enabled and your FPS is limited to 60. Skyrim BORKS if you go over 60fps on the 32-bit system. Another reason why 64-bit of SSE will be nice. If worse comes to worse, you may want to do a clean install, slowly add your mods one at a time and see if there are conflicts, then post on that mods Posts section mentioning it if it isn't elsewhere. I know it sucks, but when you are having this many issues, I feel that sucks worse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Novocaine69 Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 Make sure that your Vsync is enabled and your FPS is limited to 60. Skyrim BORKS if you go over 60fps on the 32-bit system. Another reason why 64-bit of SSE will be nice. If worse comes to worse, you may want to do a clean install, slowly add your mods one at a time and see if there are conflicts, then post on that mods Posts section mentioning it if it isn't elsewhere. I know it sucks, but when you are having this many issues, I feel that sucks worse. my fps is capped 60, im taking what i get, the game is playable? yes, is it perfect? no =\ before i made this forum post, ive done 3 clean installs with mods install after them, which took me roughly 4-5 days each day for an install, was all because each time something goes wrong and id have no idea what, so id start over, point is im not starting over now! haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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