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Purple Chests Everywhere, No Clue Why?


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Hello all.

So I don't have any texture packs installed, yet all wooden chests in my game are purple (some wardrobes are also purple). I validated my game files which didn't work and I'm honestly too scared to try anything else unless I know what I'm doing (just worried about breaking my game since I have 40+ mods installed).


Searching around the internet seems to have revealed that it's due to a missing mesh/texture but I have no idea how to get them back... anyone have any advice for my situation? I can post the list of mods I have if needed.

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'm doing (just worried about breaking my game since I have 40+ mods installed

Post the list of mods you got installed. One of em must have replaced accidentally the meshes of the chest resulting to the purple color of the chest since replacing the meshes of a object without textures attached to it can also result to the purple coloring bug.

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Alrighty, here they are in their current load order. I didn't know how to export the list onto here so I just typed them out...



Unoffical Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp

Vivid WeathersSE.esp


Immersive Armors

Witcher 3 Soundtrack

Populated Forts Towers Places

Populated Cities Towns Villages

Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins

Populated Lands Roads Paths

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim


Weightless Books

Combat Evolved


Cutting Room Floor

Dawnguard Delayed - Level 30

No Vampire Attacks

Barenziah Quest Markers

MrBs - UniqueLoot

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

Immersive Patrols II

Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges

YOT - Your Own Thoughts


Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim


HearthFires Roads




Unique Uniques

Daedric Dawnbreaker



Ars Metallica





The Paarthurnax Dilemma

No Spinning Death Animation

Realistic Animals and Predators

Invisible Circlets

Longer Blessings

Notice Board

Notice Board Dragonborn Patch

Warzones Civil Unrest

Ish's Souls to Perks

Alternate Start


It might be important to note that I briefly installed some incredibly script intensive mod that I think was called "Something Something Sands of Time Encounters" or something that was like 4000 mbs. Skyrim couldn't run at all with it installed so I immediately got rid of it.

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As pathtopower said one of the mod's must have installed a custom mesh for chest’s as the normal map shows in game(hence purple) the texture map is missing. If it would be vanilla the texture in the bsa files would be used.
Another option is an esp file changes the texture of the chest's through an custom texture set which is missing or can not be loaded.
Use the SSEEdit and load all mods. Inside SSEEdit open the Skyrim folder clutter/containers/chest01 see if anything conflicts with the cheast01 clutter/upperclass upperchest01 depanding on which chest is missing its texture.
According to your load order i would suspect the thiefguild or banditcamp mod.
A simpler solution is -> go to your data/meshes/clutter/ folder see if you find container/cest01/chest01.nif or upperclass/upperchest01.nif and delete them
check in-game if that solves your issue (the custom meshes would be replaced with vanilla) if this files are not present use SSEEdit.

hope that helps


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Interesting... so yeah, I ended up disabling Opulent Thieves Guild and, lo and behold, chests and wardrobes are back to normal. I suppose I'm fine with living without that mod until I have the patience to figure out how to fix it or change the load order to make it work, but for now I'm happy :happy:


Had no idea SSEEdit was a thing though, I will for sure check that out in the future. Thanks for the help guys!

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  • 1 year later...

As pathtopower said one of the mod's must have installed a custom mesh for chest’s as the normal map shows in game(hence purple) the texture map is missing. If it would be vanilla the texture in the bsa files would be used.

Another option is an esp file changes the texture of the chest's through an custom texture set which is missing or can not be loaded.

Use the SSEEdit and load all mods. Inside SSEEdit open the Skyrim folder clutter/containers/chest01 see if anything conflicts with the cheast01 clutter/upperclass upperchest01 depanding on which chest is missing its texture.

According to your load order i would suspect the thiefguild or banditcamp mod.

A simpler solution is -> go to your data/meshes/clutter/ folder see if you find container/cest01/chest01.nif or upperclass/upperchest01.nif and delete them

check in-game if that solves your issue (the custom meshes would be replaced with vanilla) if this files are not present use SSEEdit.


hope that helps




your wisdom save my chests lol thank you so much!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest deleted47091088

Hey, I went through the Misc Items on SSEEdit tool and I found data called:

FormID: 0010C762

EditorID: TGTQ03ValueItem

Name: Do Not Delete



MODL - Model Filename: Clutter\Containers\Chest01\Chest01.nif


What is this and should I delete it? I will try to delete it but maybe if it says Do Not Delete it would seem risky?

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