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Skyrim SE xbox and PC weapons request


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Not sure if a mod like this has already been made, but I was thinking of something along the lines of Dwemmer/Dwarven steam guns.




The poster of the thread in the link is also me, since that is my xbox tag. My apologies if linking the Bethesda forums was not allowed, but it would have taken too long to retype everything, and I did not want to simply cop and paste it.


of course I'm hoping if this mod can be made, it can be ported over to xbox since it's all I have. I am willing to help in whatever way I can.

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because i know some users on this site dont like Bethnet and dont want to use their site, here is a copy paste of post linked above:



I was thinking, what about making something like a flintlock or clockwork rifle? basic holding, shooting mechanics can be just like that of the crossbow, the design and backstory can be of the generic excuse of say ancient dwarven technology, can even call it like a dwarven steam gun. the weapon could be craftable in the dwarven section but only after finding the blueprints in some random quest.

the quest can be started similar to how you start the questline for The Scarlett. while building materials could be something like 4 Dwarven Ingots, 3 firewood, and 2 steel ingots. The ammunition can use just iron ingots, 1 ingot would equal 10 rounds. hmmm As for the Dwarven guns maybe two versions should be craftable say a Dwarven Steam Rifle, and a Dwarven Steam Scattergun. The rifle would be single round single fire (Reload after firing one round) and be used as the crossbow would in ranged combat. while the scattershot is as the name implies be similar to a shotgun. (one shot fires and consumes multiple rounds at once [basically every shot uses 5 ammunition]) of course the scattershot would need a deadzone of about 5-8 feet (no effect beyond that zone).


As for damage it should ofcourse be slightly higher then a bow (especially after upgrading to legendary); yet the damage should also be susceptible to damage resistances so the less damage dealt the more heavily armored the target, say someone shoots the scattergun at it's max effective range but hits the enemies daedric shield, the enemy will slightly stagger for .5-2 seconds but otherwise take no damage.

as for enchanting... well basic fire, frost, or lightning enchantments are feasible but all the drain enchantments would be overkill, but I'll leave that up to the modder along with everything else. these are only suggestions.




My apologies if linking the Bethesda forums was not allowed

Bethnet links are fine, but some users have a bad taste in their mouths when it comes to the site due to the poor handling of the site and treatment of the modder community,



of course I'm hoping if this mod can be made, it can be ported over to xbox since it's all I have. I am willing to help in whatever way I can.

we cant port mods from Skyrim to console. as such yu are in the wrong forum. no worries i reported the thread asking for it to be moved to the correct one.

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