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You cannot fast travel from this location - after uninstalling Immersive Travel


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Hi !

So I've been playing for a while with Immersive Travel, which basically disables Fast Travel. Today I decided to give it up since it started boring me. Anyway, I decided to uninstall it and also removed Complete Fast Travel Overhaul. There were no reported bug with simply removing it so I did. I also cleaned my save afterwards using the Save Cleaner.

Still, now when I click on the map it says I cannot fast travel from this location. Sleeping, Carriages, Waiting, they all work, but wherever I go I cannot fast travel from the map. I've tried :

  • Starting a new game

  • Waiting 48h

  • the command EnableFastTravel 1

  • Getting caught by gards and paying off a bounty ( seen on a forum )

  • Going off very far in the wild ( seen on a forum )

Nothing changed. What's weird is that I took the Carriage to Dawnstar ( never been inside the city much ) and I could actually fast travel from there, but NOWHERE else in the world, and I've tried very hard.

Here's my load order :


Loads of ESPs, I know, but none are linked to Fast Travel, Bashed Patch is ok, and the order is ok too.

I've tried to uninstall Bandolier, nothing changed

I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks :smile:

Edited by AltLamasticot
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Looking through your list, I notice you have Holds.esp at 29 yet the mod author states on their mod page; "What is important is that Holds is loaded last, the only thing that should be loaded after Holds.esp should be its compatibility patches and alternative performance patches." Not sure if this could be causing you problems or not (you may have been wasting an esp slot with IFT if it is).

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Thanks for your help, I tried following the instructions, the problem remains the same..


EDIT : Here I've included my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini. They were edited to fix memory issues and ENB related one, as well as archery and killmove tweaks, so I doubt that it's related, but hey.
Edited by AltLamasticot
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I can't help with ini stuff. Will take someone higher on the evolutionary scale than me. Have you tried to load everything in Tes5edit, right click and apply filter for conflicts to see what is messing with your fast travel?

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I applied Filter for Conflict and loads of plugins went red, but I have no idea how I'm going to find what is FastTravel related in there..


I searched for Travel, no result. Fast returns one entry, but it's linked to a fast healing scroll

Edited by AltLamasticot
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