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F03 Worldwide Coffee makability- Is it an easy thing to do or should I


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Whenever I walk around the many fallout indoor locations I notice two things in abundance: Coffee Makers and literally thousands of discarded coffee cups. This has lead me on numerous occasions to ask myself,"Why is there no coffee at all in the entire Capital Wasteland if there's so much paraphernalia?!" What a waste....


Several searches of this humble F03 Nexus have finally yielded one lone mod that aims to correct this caffeine deficiency, but there's a problem; the mod only creates one house item coffee machine and leaves the rest of the wasteland's coffee makers inert.


So I was wondering, is there a simple way to write the code to make every coffee machine operate similar to the workbench, requiring three ingredients

(similarly to how the existing coffee mod works in Coffeebrewer) by jfk2k9

and then creating a full cup of coffee each time? More importantly, is there a way for this code to be small enough to prevent FPS slowing since this code would effect every coffee machine in the game?


I am an idiot-savant coder at the moment, so if this would require something more complicated than copying snippets of code or psuedocode, I may just have to ask for the kindness of this community's many coders to find a simple way I could implement this. Though I would still very much like to know if it would be possible to do on my own.

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Whenever I walk around the many fallout indoor locations I notice two things in abundance: Coffee Makers and literally thousands of discarded coffee cups. This has lead me on numerous occasions to ask myself,"Why is there no coffee at all in the entire Capital Wasteland if there's so much paraphernalia?!" What a waste....


Several searches of this humble F03 Nexus have finally yielded one lone mod that aims to correct this caffeine deficiency, but there's a problem; the mod only creates one house item coffee machine and leaves the rest of the wasteland's coffee makers inert.


So I was wondering, is there a simple way to write the code to make every coffee machine operate similar to the workbench, requiring three ingredients

(similarly to how the existing coffee mod works in Coffeebrewer) by jfk2k9

and then creating a full cup of coffee each time? More importantly, is there a way for this code to be small enough to prevent FPS slowing since this code would effect every coffee machine in the game?


I am an idiot-savant coder at the moment, so if this would require something more complicated than copying snippets of code or psuedocode, I may just have to ask for the kindness of this community's many coders to find a simple way I could implement this. Though I would still very much like to know if it would be possible to do on my own.

well if you use fwe i sugest look at the wonder meat maker just need to chagen the ingredients, the model the sound of the machine working and done

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well if you use fwe i sugest look at the wonder meat maker just need to chagen the ingredients, the model the sound of the machine working and done



No, no. He's already found a coffee brewing mod - it's just that he wants all the coffee brewers in the game to act the same way. ie. make coffee.




I remember downloading that mod but was also a bit miffed that it didn't change all the coffee brewers to make coffee. The problem is that the coffee brewers are Static objects. You can't interact with them, move them, attach a script - it's just a graphic.


Other than replacing all the coffee brewers in the Geck (about 100 of them) with the modded one, I don't see how this can be achieved. :unsure:

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If the coffee maker is exactly the same size as the static one, it can be done with FO3edit in about 10 seconds..


Build References for Fallout3.esm, copy all the REF entries for the coffee maker into the coffee maker mod, then change the references to point to the Activator object, instead.


Seriously, it's really simple. You want me to do it?

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I am impressed that I'm not the only person that was annoyed at the limitations of the only coffee mod.


@Jeoshua I agree with Xepha.


I barely can even open Geck, and even then, I trust the coding of someone who actually knows this stuff.

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Mere tricks, my good sirs.


I've focused my modding on Fo3edit so long that I know it's ins and outs fairly well. The Geck on the other hand remains a mystery to me.




I goofed and had to start over. That's the worst part about using Fo3edit. Press the wrong button and you just screwed the pooch. Thankfully you can just not save it and try again.






Requires CoffeeBrewer for the scripts or else it won't do anything at all. I would recommend loading up your save game and making sure you're in an area that does not contain any coffee brewers before turning this mod on, just in case. That's probably not really necessary but just in case, you know?


Using different versions or modifications to the CoffeeBrewer mod should work just fine with the placement addons. So you can use it in it's basic version, PN version, or someone could come along and make an IMCN version and they would all work just fine. The placer files just switch out the statics for activators and nothing more.


If someone has made a mod which DELETEs coffee brewers in cells that the placer has touched, there might be a crash bug... but that's not really the fault of the placer, rather the person who decided deleting things was okay and never cleaned their mod up.


Feel free to reupload if you'd like.

Edited by Jeoshua
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Thank you very much, sir. I'm very enthusiastic about testing this mod out to restore the wasteland with the elixir that it so desperately needs.


I'll try and get at least some basic knowledge of f03edit in the mean time as I have so many other ideas I want to implement.


-like to stop dogmeat from stealing my exp every time he kills something- :pinch:

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Well actually I'm having major CTD issues that I'm still trying to work out (as well as a shader anomaly with Mister Handy and Gutsies.) :wallbash:


But I did make some nifty icons whenever I can actually test the mod. One for the Coffee Capsule Pack and

Coffee Capsule

I also changed the references in the code via F03edit for the coffee mod to use them, so hopefully I've started to make some progress.

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