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Compass as item


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Ok, my request is to make the compass on the HUD visible only through the use of an item, that will be a real compass.

The fact is that im using right now mods to hide everything except the life/mana/stamina bars (i will hide the mana and stamina too, soon), but i don't want to lose completely the usage of the compass (got little concentration so i tend to lose myself in exploring the surface to discover entrances, but often i forget about them and never explore the dungeon at all.


I want my bit of immersion but with a working compass that i can use to check nearby non-discoreved places and discovered ones (for the last i will mostly use the map anyway) and to have a little orientation when i need to reach a place that i already know (i don't want to use anymore the fast travel).


In short:

Item or command that activate the compass, with an animation that seems like you are reading a book (but with the movement of just one hand) and keep you stuck till you don't move (with compass disapperance).


This idea should give you the help of the compass without killing the immersion (if possible, for the hardcore, showing only the cardinal points) and giving a little of "reality"

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I have wanted this since Oblivion! Had the same idea, if someone would make this I would be so happy. I love being immersed in the game, and having the compass to just point me N, S, W, E, without telling me exactly where my quests are (very unrealistic) would be awesome! :) I had so much fun in Morrowind just exploring and using my brain to actually complete quests.


The compass can be incorporated in to the story too! Some ancient Dwemer item!

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