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hi there


im looking for or maybe wish for a power armor overhaul with damage decals and damage sounds.


meaning that the parts change to a more used and damage look & sounds depending on the amout of fire they take.


bullets and scrapnel holes, laser burnes, mud and blood splashes (melee % ) should accumulate according to the amount of hits the armor part takes until its destroyed.


looking forward to tips what mod to install if it already exists or feedback on the possibility that such a mod might be realised. info for modders on what it takes to create can also be shared.




Edited by Aheeia
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ok the power armor parts get destroyed in the end, looks cool to with smoke etc. but till then the armor part looks shiny new even it has been pounded by any kind of weapon...


so a power armor model handler that changes the visuals according to the amount of fire would be really sweet.


like in gta where you can wreck your car, power armor should take visual damage as well...


hope im not the only one with this need/idea

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Changing models would be awkward. Changing textures / adding decals would probably be a whole lot easier.


Another potential change that might be REALLY effective would be to change the sounds of the armour, especially for people that play in first person. Damaged limbs make unhappy mechanical whirring / crunching noises. Damaged helmet gives screen overlays (imagine the Metro gas mask effect). HUD starts flickering etc.

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I thought up a mod more or less bathing mod but for power armor as u play it gets more dirty and u have to take it back to a station and clean it it'd have animations and what not thatd be cool. And if integrated with this just a real big power armor overhaul and using in game animations like hammering, wielding, screwing you could repair it and clean it sounds extensive but sick
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