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Rolling back / reloading mods


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Hi All


My standard Oblivion game is in its final death throes - can hear the death rattle right now. I've a begging request on the Technical troubleshooting part of the forum for help. I've run the heavily modded game happily for months and it has returned no more problems than the usual Oblivion crud. But now it's CTD on saves and returning memory violation issues. However, the game runs perfectly fine in the basic vanilla version - tested OK.


So I reckon one or more mods has corrupted and possibly blown Registry entries. I've run a lot of disk, file and other checks and CCCleaner does not show anything, and I can't get any clues as to which mod(s) are causing my game save CTD. I've been knocking them out going backwards down the list but in OBMM this is really heavy slow work.


Therefore my quick question: I need to de-select all my mods and return them one by one until I find the culprit. I'm using OBMM as my main vehicle for mods, and Wry Bash as the load order / bash patch utility. Can someone point me to a previous forum item or paper on the best way to roll back, test and reload mods? I'm sure I've seen something solid and good, but I just can't put my hands on it.


Doing it via OBMM is painful - very slow. :wallbash: So is there a neater, faster way?


Thanks in hope! Clive

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This is why you should be using Wrye Bash, not OBMM.


I do use Wrye Bash but not for installing. Bain, Bash...sigh. I could get on with the Bashed Patch, etc., but trying to learn the installation side of things just made my elderly brain crumble..! Apart from which I got repeated errors in an earlier version of Wrye Bash installations that put me off.

Anyway - I've given up now and gone for a full reinstall.

I may take the opportunity to use Wrye Bash for installation of my mods from now on.

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Dude, BAIN's are infinitely more straightforward than OMODs.


Hi Nephenee13


I think you just did me a big favour. Have got my head into Wrye Installers and as I am rebuilding my game I can see all the benefits coming up.


My rebuild will be a heck of a lot easier to manage. Thanks for giving me the push I needed!


Clive :thumbsup:

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