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NMM profile system is broken?


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Well you've had better luck than I have then. Every. Single. Time. I used xEdit from within MO it crashed on exit. It seriously never one single time closed without crashing. Opening CK from within MO, it would consistently crash on startup 3-5 times before successfully opening. Both programs appeared to work regardless of the start/close crashes. For example, I cleaned my bridge mods a couple weeks ago in prep for uploading updates. Since I have a clean OS reinstall as of this past week, I don't currently have a FO4 save game setup or even a mod manager installed. So I'm just doing manual installs of stuff to do mod work this weekend and I checked the bridge mods to make sure the exit on crash after cleaning them previously didn't mess things up. It appears that the crashing usually happens after the file saves at least because they were clean and not corrupted. *shrugs*

Double check your edits on it with FO4Edit. I stopped using xedit due to reasons I can't remember now.

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By xEdit I mean FO4Edit. The x is just a generic placeholder that can refer to any particular game's version of the software since the base software works on multiple games with only a name change of the .exe file to make it game specific. xEdit is a common shorthand way to refer to the software and I often use it (depends on who I'm talking to) instead of FO4Edit because it's a lot easier to type.

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