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Need some help i am new to modding my skyrim.


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This might seem a bit perfy and i am sure 100% it is but i have added a few followers and i am wondering how i go about changing their clothes.

In the screenshots they all have different clothes and some are even nude and i was just wondering how i could manage that. The clothes part of course.

And maybe for the other people here you could also tell us how to get them completely undressed :dry: :dry:


for example this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60868/?

Edited by Aramilastra
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Yep, or console command unequipall after clicking on the follower ...

Then just give them what you want them to wear and they will use it in most cases.

However, they will have default things added via Creation Kit that may pop right back when they spawn.

Editing their default equipment in the Creation Kit never fails ...


Kroekr advice is a good way to do this as you don't need to know much about how things work from the kit.

But, you are stuck with the tools options ...


All in all this is easy stuff but, you will have to put in the time to learn it. ( google is your friend )

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I always use some sort of follower mod so I can't exactly remember how much control you have in vanilla.


I think with no mods the best you can do is to trade items to your follower and they will automatically equip what they think is best to use (usually the weapon/armor with the highest stats if they have the skills for it).


With a good follower mod though you typically have full control. There are 3 main ones:

-EFF - extensible follower framework (I recommend due to stability and features)

-UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

-AFT - Amazing Follower Tweaks


I think all these mods have options to let you easily choose specifically what your followers wear and use. Check their descriptions. They share most of the important functions but they do some stuff differently to each other.

Just don't expect to strip them down to more than their underwear - for that you will need some form of body-mod with nudity support (of which there are plenty), and if you want to get into the real hanky-panky stuff you might need to head to loverslab if the content has been deemed to raunchy for the Nexus... to each his own :)



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