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list of mods i like to be made


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i used to make a topic for each of these requests, but i dont want to bump them too often so i decided to make a topic for all of them



at the end of nukaworld, whatever you do, one gang will turn against you and invade the powerplant
but i dont like that ending i did my best to help all 3 gangs equally and still one turns against me that sux

so i thought to myself how about a peaceful ending
instead of one of the 3 newgangs turns against you, it will be the rust devil that invade the powerplant planning to take nuka world for them and there robots
and you together with pack, operater and disciples fight against the rust devils

leaving all 3 gangs alive so you can get all 3 perks and be able to play all radiant quests after finishing nuka world

i know this would be a lot of work but im sure it can be done

could be another gang like trappers or forged or even gunner or minutemen, doesnt need to be rust devils, but i think they would fit cause you need a lot of firepower to go against three vicious raider gangs at ones and robots obviously have a lot firepower

in nukaworld after you made your firstt steps into the commonwealth sinner and his gang will try to attack you new outpost
you have the option to kill them or to talk them of
but i would really like to recruit him and his gang for my outpost
with some kind of some hard speechchecks(high charisma)

im the overboss and im sure i could convince those guys to join me

make it possible to raid the settlements that come with the various dlcs
like the farharbour settllements, vault 88, mechanustlair or to turn thme into vassals

i use a mod which lets me move mama murphy to other settlements but her chair which she relies on later isnt buildeable in other settlements, leading to her just standing on the edge of the settlement looking in the direction of sanctury

so i would love to be able to build her chair anywhere

i like having a railroad caretaker at my settlement but sadly i only get one for only one settlement
so would it be possible to make the quest to establish the mercer safehouse a radiant quest until every settlement has its own caretaker
would be damn cool if you ask me

there is no reason for the children of atom being hostile at kingsport lighthouse unless you attacked first or working against them in far harbour
and since nukaworld i wish i could become overboss of other raidergangs
how about making hangmans ally raider to nonhostile great khans and zimonja raider to viper or jackals or scorpion gang or other gangs of previews fallout games
instead of wiping them out do a few quests for them to gain acces to their workshop

i would love to be able to become a member of the forged aswell
my evil/raider charakter would be thankfull

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why respond if it isnt helping anyone?

you are kind of a douche, arrent you

We get tons of these, "wot I want" posts, usually worded pretty terribly with no effort at punctuation or coherence. We get English isn't your first language, but at least try to format your post so its readable! (This I'd aimed at others more than you) At least put the correct capital letters in the title! If you can't be bothered to do that, why should anyone bother to make a mod for someone so monumentally lazy and entitled?


The way you worded this thread is selfish. Mods YOU want made, for you alone. Sure, I may agree with you on some of them (even if making it so is far more complex than you could imagine), but your way of making the post ME ME ME puts me right off.

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im sorry if i sound selfish

but the thing is i cant speak for everyone, topic titles like "mods that everyone wants" and the likes, just doesnt feel right

and i know these are complex ideas and would be hard to create


again i apologize


now i go and kill myself


have a nice day

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again i apologize


now i go and kill myself


have a ÃÂ nice day

WTF dude.


K. Tip: Don't behave like an angsty 13 year old if you want anyone to take you seriously.


The key is how you word it. For example, your first idea. It's not, "it sux!!!11!!" or "i dont like" - point out WHY it sucks and needs changing. Tip: The reason isn't your personal feelings. The reason is that, like the rest of FO4, it shoves you down a crappy corridor of false 'choices', and whichever choice you take at the end of it takes hours of progress and hard work away from you, disregarding the actions that any sane character would at least TRY.



The main (massive) reason for me not caring to read your post is that you haven't bothered to use capital letters and use txt spk. I guarantee others feel a similar way about titles.


You make good points, you have good suggestions for workarounds. You've clearly put effort into the IDEAS, so make an effort to present them.

Edited by Athanasa
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