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Skyhaven Temple Mod Lighting Problem


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I've begum a project to make Skyhaven Temple into a player home, using the console. Overall I'm pleased with the results. I've cleaned out all the raised floors, inside and out, added new floors to the outside buildings and added all the clutter, furniture and flora that I want.


The only trouble is that I'm having major problems with lighting.


The problem is that the interior is too dim. It doesn't illuminate my trophies and plants properly, especially at night.


I added more of the torch pillars (SkyhavenTorchPillar01 : 6da93) and added the animated FXFireWithEmgersHeavy (33da4) to these...so far so good but still no light improvement of course. Using the creation kit I saw that BleakfallsDraugrTorch01NS had been used for the glow effect. That's where the problem lies.


Adding this or any other light to the torch pillars does not create the same colour, radius or brightness of light that the original torch pillars give off. Looking at the lights in the creation kit, it is easy to see that the brightness has been greatly increased from the standard effect. The colour seems to have been edited too. Using the console I have no way that I know of to edit this because I can't select the light after it has been added.


I wondered about using the creation kit itself but I don't know how to go about that either. Loading Skyhaven Temple from Skyrim.esm gives me the original layout of the place before any of my changes. If I knew how to call up my modified layout and save changes made within the render window I could add lights to my heart's content.



  1. Can the console be used to increase Brightness, radius and hue of light?
  2. Can someone tell me how to load my modified temple into the creation kit so that I can edit the lights from there?

Thanks for reading this and I hope you can help.


Edit: I've solved the problem. I caused most of the problem. By targeting the torch pillars that I wanted the illumination to come from and using PlaceAtMe, I was centring the light on the origin of the target piece ie at floor level in the middle. If I targeted the embers it worked much better and cast a decent pool of light. The colour is still slightly wrong because the colour of the original lights has been tweaked but I can live with that. For illuminating trophies it was best to use tcl and place an object above the trophy(I used a cheese wheel). The object can then be centred precisely over the trophy and the light can be targeted on the object. This method gave excellent illumination of the whole object. The cheese wheel was simply marked for delete afterwards.

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