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lvl 25, want to switch up my build


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I've been playing a battlemage, using destruction with one handed when I run out of mana, but destruction has just gotten dull. I've been considering switching my perks out of destruction (I get pretty much the same damage out of my scimitar anyways) and start using the other magic schools instead. my main skills (onehand, destruction, heavy armor, smithing, enchanting, and I guess lockpicking also counts) are all around 50, smithing is at 60 because I wanted arcane blacksmithing. Conjuration and Illusion are unused so far, so they're at 20 and 25 respectively (High elf) and alteration gets some use through candlelight and transmute, so it is at 30. I'm considering dropping destruction and heavy armor for alteration and conjuration/illusion. Could I pull this off, or would I need to restart?


Also, slightly unrelated, but I sometimes use alchemy to make health potions, is it worth adding perks into alchemy to make the potions worth it, or will it be fine untouched? thanks in advance.

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Switching build is no problem, still if you've spend many perks on destruction and aren't going to use it anymore those would be wasted though. Lots of nice perks in one hand and armor you could have had instead. Also enchantment takes lots of perks to get it really worthwhile. So you have to decide which ones you really want and choose with care. After level 50 leveling gets very slow, so you got 25 relatively easy perks to go.


Personally I wouldn't spend any perks on alchemy. Whenever you're in a store just look for fortify smithing and enchantment potions and buy those. Health and magica if you need them. Money should become less of a problem the further you progress.

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Remember the console is your friend. Removeperk and addperk will allow you to rebalance an already created character. Some may consider this cheating but hey if you only move perks and you maintain the order of the tree I do not see any reason why you can't have the player you want. So if you try something and don't care for the results you can always rebalance at any time. :thumbsup:
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Remember the console is your friend. Removeperk and addperk will allow you to rebalance an already created character. Some may consider this cheating but hey if you only move perks and you maintain the order of the tree I do not see any reason why you can't have the player you want. So if you try something and don't care for the results you can always rebalance at any time. :thumbsup:


I used to do the same thing in Diablo II with a character editor, it was a little harder then, because you got skill ups as rewards from quests, instead of just levelling.

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