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Everything posted by elleonblanco

  1. At risk of getting flamed. I have close to 100 hours into Amalur. I have just started running the main quest line. The faction quests are well written and overall I find the game to be much more immersive than Skyrim. I haven't played Skyrim more than 20 minutes since around Christmas. That was when I had discovered all the map locations and couldn't find any more quests to perform. Hopefully in a few weeks some immersive quest mods will come out and I will have reason to get back to Skyrim. One total draw back to Amalur is no possibility of modding as there is no CK available. The developer has hinted that possibly in the future they will release one. The OP has stated the same thing that I am sure many of us have felt for some time. Frankly Beth needs to do some SERIOUS introspective soul seeking and finally update to at least the standards of more modern games. I am waiting to see what they do with Fallout in the near future as they also need to pump it up a bit too. So if you haven't played Amalur give it a shot. I bet that you will find it is rather enjoyable. Maybe someone here with more knowledge than I possess will figure out how to make some mods for it to solve the few areas it is lacking in. It's not a perfect world but entertainment is what you make of it. By the way I don't feel that either game has too much replay value. Once you know the quest lines it is like watching reruns.
  2. Butt where else would you store your second sword?
  3. Their website is here. Thanks for the heads up on Ghostery. Set it up right away.
  4. It's not so bad that they big brother the game while it is running as the fact that the clients do not shut down when you stop playing. I wonder why they need to keep their client running on your PC when you have finished for the day? And it isn't just Steam that does this RGSC, Origin, and all of them that I have seen do this. Who knows what info these clients are reporting back to the overlords. That is also one of the reasons I do not like the way not only games but many pieces of software already have or are going. One of the most insidious pieces of crap I have ever seen is the Adobe updater. Just try to kill that little bastard off. Everytime I think I have got it killed I'll open something in an Adobe program and the next thing I know it is asking if I want to update. That certainly is a pest.
  5. How exactly was I trying to stir up trouble? By suggesting it is safer and better in my opinion to buy a hard copy? I must have missed the part where I suggested attacking Steam headquarters. I was reading a stupid article about virtual purchasing where Steam was mentioned as one example so I shared part of their download agreement on here and get assaulted for it. If anyone knows how to delete a thread I would be MORE than happy to. Actually you kind of said what needed saying in this case. As for me if the game isn't available from an online source I simply wouldn't be able to buy it. You are not stirring up trouble as far as I can see. The thing that just rips me to the bone though is the fact that the moment any topic like this comes up some smart ass has to start accusing people of piracy. Any of us that have been in the world of computers knows how the EULAs are set up and it was decided long ago that you don't own anything except basically a lease to use the product as long as you abide by the rules of the home owner's association. For me it is just the fact that the moment you say something that you should be able to use the product without having to connect to the mother ship the accusations and assumptions start flying.
  6. Now that actually made me smile. :biggrin:
  7. Way cool man. Sort of like Cowboys and Aliens goes med-evil. Just wish I spoke Russky.
  8. RANT ON/ Aren't all of you getting tired of these same issues being brought up over and over again in new threads? When you buy a license to use Windows do you actually own Windows? Hell no you don't it is completely owned by Microsoft. You only paid for permission to use it and then only as long as you abide buy the terms of the usage agreement (EULA). When you installed Windows were you required to activate it? Hell yes again and you most likely did that by way if an internet connection. Now are you required to have an internet connection to use Windows after activation? NO unless you want it to update automatically and if you know how you can turn off automatic updates. Ok, so the same applies to Beth, Steam, and Valve. I purchase a usage license from them to play a game. I download and install said game the using the internet I activate it online. Then I go to the settings menu and place the game in offline mode. When the game installed and wanted to phone home I told the firewall no to begin with so it automatically set a rule that allows me to set the games permission to call home to allow, deny, or ask. So I initially set it to allow long enough to activate.Then I set it to deny as I know that Steam has a sneaky updating system that ignores the game settings. That way I get no surprise patching. I also have unstable internet where I live and this allows me to play even when it isn't working. Now, I am getting freaking tired of being accused of PIRACY for utilizing my computer to play a game that for some IDIOTIC reason you think MUST be connected to the mother ship to play. In the future the moment one of these threads pops up in my opinion it should be LOCKED immediately and any user making unfounded accusations of another community member should fall under the cracking on anime mods rule and be BANNED immediately. Who died and left you self righteous non tech savvy fools GOD anyhow? Also... who named NEXUS the anti-piracy police force? As far as I know no one did. The Nexus is and always has been a place for modders and people that wish to share in those mods to congregate and hopefully make playing their games a better experience. Getting banned if you are a pirate is one thing. Helping people to be able to legally play the game they purchased a user license for legally is another. /RANT OFF
  9. I got my first and sufficient dose of anime with Sandy Frank's G-Force. That was enough to turn me away from anime for life. But, to each his own. You were fortunate to have 6 stations and PBS. Where I grew up in the Rockies we had KOA NBC channel 4 out of Denver (when it worked) and somewhere around 1968 or 69 they added another translator for channel 9 also out of Denver ABC (almost never worked) and no PBS ever.
  10. There is a console command that allows you to set your status with a faction. i can't remember it at the moment but I have seen it here in the forums or of course you could always google it.
  11. When I first loaded up KoA I didn't think I would like it. Now about 11 to 12 hours in and I am finding it to be very enjoyable. I played the dickens out of Skyrim until I just got so bored I can't even play more with a new character. Amalur has far better combat. I haven't tried the magic yet. The quest lines are fun and the stories even though they are go here get that and return have some nice twists to them. In my opinion I would say those that are bashing KoA haven't taken the time to play it. I am a true Bethesda believer when it comes to open world gaming but they better shape it up because there is now a lot of heat coming up on their a$. Oh yes and I might add that the entire time I have played I have had NO BUGS or performance related issues and no CTDs. AS for the similarities sure there are a lot of them. But you kind of have ot expect that in the genre of RPGs.
  12. The solution you seek is called Conjuration. Max out the conjuration tree and summon dual Dremoras. You are fairly invincible at that point. Also you don't suck at Skyrim that is impossible. All you need to do is try a different strategy.
  13. If you noticed at the end it said it was one of the most productive weeks they had ever had. Well, that tell me that the rest of the time they sit in Starbucks drinking too many lattes and slip out back to smoke their favorite substances too much.
  14. For example I happened to be at the local mall over the weekend to buy a new mouse. While we were shopping we hit 3 of the major retailers for entertainment products such as televisions, computer peripherals and games. Not even the biggest retailer in our country (Multimax) has Skyrim on physical disc. They don't even know when it will be available. Also if and when it gets here the physical copy of the game will be $20 to $30 higher than it was for me to get it online. That is where (not supporting Steam) companies like Steam do once in a while come in handy. For people like me that don't live in the USA or someplace similar. Now if I could only find a keyboard that i like.
  15. The CK most certainly does not require Steam to function. You only need it if you want to use Steam Workshop. If you aren't savvy enough to follow all the directions given in this forum to play Skyrim or use the CK without being connected to Steam then maybe you shouldn't be using the CK to begin with. Edit: By the way I am not a pirate.I am just someone that knows enough about what he is doing to get it done. I am getting sick of the uninformed telling those of us with a little know how that we are thieves.
  16. You must also remember there are those of us that live where there is no local store to run down and buy the physical version. So we are just as happy to pay the $60 and get down to playing.
  17. Doubtful -- As any decent Pirate already has the CK and the Game working FIne with no trace of STEAM on their system -- And if an Idiot would be defending Steam and it's policies so think you're wrong on both accounts !! I think Butteslol was looking to start a fight with someone so Doubtful I have to agree with your view on this. I just allowed my PC to update to latest patch and grabbed my copy of the CK. Looks like I now have just what I need to break the game in new ways. Here comes the learning curve. However I think I am going to blow out my original install of Skyrim because it seems that something is clashing as I am now getting some frame rate issues and stutter. This started occurring after installing several mods back in December. So I think a fresh start will help. Looking forwards to the new mods hitting the site soon. By the way my CK seems to work just fine in offline mode and firewall blocking connection to Steam. Since I haven't done anything special I presume it works this way for everyone.
  18. Just got back in and took a look. Thanks for the responses, votes, and ideas. As has been said there are many things that need to be decided before an actual project could even begin. As for themes , time setting, and such we need to get a discussion group formed so that we can bounce ideas off each other. Like I said in the original post I would hope that the powers that be at Nexus would be willing to lend us a hand with a central point that we can all use to meet and coordinate. I don't know how to contact Mr. Howard but I am sure someone on here does and if they were so inclined drop a bug in his ear that we are interested in his help. The idea of a game by gamers for gamers is actually quite a good one and I know that if we can spark the interest of some of the very talented people here we could come up with something quite spectacular. The important thing is that we all know it won't happen overnight but if we could even get a 15 to 20 minute demo together in say the first 6 to 8 months once we had a basic frame I believe things would really take off.
  19. Today in another thread found here: Skyrim Forum link as a discussion came up that makes a lot of sense. Since here in the Nexus community there are some very creative modders, artists, coders, and quest line authors just maybe it would be an interesting experiment to see if we could get a group together and create a community driven RPG. It would seem logical that we would ask the help of Nexus administration to give us a hand with this as this is where we all meet to begin with. We would need the use of a forum, and IRC room for meetings, and a repository for work in progress where the community could download the project as it unfolds to check it out. Possibly utilizing the NMM for our content delivery system. I have seen some serious projects written for Oblivion and both of the Fallout series of games and I know the amount of effort that went into some of these games had to be close to starting from scratch. That is why in my opinion we have everything needed to put something together that would actually be a realistic style RPG with all the things we ever really wanted but the commercial devs have no interest of implementing. So... any thoughts? ideas? or should I just shut up and go back to lurking in my corner? Would love to hear your opinions.
  20. As usual I will wait and see. Happy that they have shown it really exists. Notice they didn't say when it would be ready. They are just trying to quiet the community down a bit. so now it is time to wait, and wait , and.........
  21. Don't know how that could happen. Is it just in game or no sounds at all? If you have lost all sound including out of game try a reboot. Nine times out of ten that will fix it. If it is in game I have no idea what to tell you.
  22. I agree 100% with the OP of this thread. Unfortunately as I said on another thread too little too late. You would think that they have known for some time that one of their own designers has a fantastic looking hack and slash releasing on Feb 7. You would think Beth would have had the CK, a huge patch fixing at least 90% of the issues, and a serious DLC in the wings for launch a couple of days before the 7th to take the wind out of Amalur's sails. But no, sadly enough Beth has decided to basically ignore their customers and break promises, miss release dates, etc. A very sad situation indeed as Skyrim was a title that was worth saving but now will slip into it's dated mediocrity well before it's time. I doubt that even the modding community can rescue it now.
  23. I think Beth nay have finally blew it. Too little too late. I just looked over Kingdoms of Amalur and my credit card is burning a hole in my pocket. I have a feeling that Skyrim is going to be by the wayside very soon and they won't be able to revive their following due to broken promises and a fairly lackluster gaming experience. If the CK had come out in a reasonable amount of time the modding community would have kept it alive but we live in a world of short attention spans and mine has run out.l
  24. And they will still sell millions. Valve hasn't said a word about Half Life 2 episode 3 for, what has it been? 5 years now? And when it comes out sure they may have lost some sales but they will still makes boatloads. Oh no doubt. Surely though there will be a company out there that sees what Bethesda did right in Skyrim, what they did wrong by a good portion of their RPG player base, and come up with something that will make them money by marketing it to the disenfranchised Elder Scrolls player. Actually Beth had it right when the released Fallout 3 and FONV. Or anyways much closer to right. Unfortunately they gutted so much out of Skyrim that IMHO Oblivion had a much better and longer play value. I am not saying that I dislike Skyrim as I played until I just ran out of things to do. But unlike FONV. I don't seem to have that desire to play it again even if it is to see what a different outcome path would be. I did feel a bit let down from the Bethesda pre-release hype and publicity because so much of what they were chalking up as Earth shattering just wasn't there. Then we come to what 11 weeks after release date and still no CK that they have stated all along they would release. We hear so much form them that now all we do is poke fun at them and roll our eyes when they do say they are going to do something. So I can wait more for the CK but allow me to have my entertainment value poking fun at them for misleading us once again. Now if they would also release some DLC as I have Skyrim installed and taking up space on my drive but no longer have desire to play simply because it wasn't all that exciting the first time through.
  25. I don't believe it is really hatred so much as it is like trying to correct a misbehaving child that refuses to listen. Beth always seems to turn a deaf ear to problems and do whatever they want in the time frame they choose to do it in.
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