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Skyrim Special Editions Saved game Help


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Ok folks need some help here. Any reason that only 1<one> saved game and to Auto saved games is showing up in SE when I go to "Load" or Save game while in the game? Could something from a Mod be overwriting something? I've got 100 mods installed. And getting ready to dump this play through it's early and don't like it. But it the Save games has me curious.


Thanks in Advance for any replies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Autosave is trash, don't use it. Disable it in your settings. Same for quick save.



Turns out that it was a mod that was not allowing for saved games to be showing up while in the house. It has since been corrected by the mod author.<G> AS for quick save it's saved me a couple of times this play through. LOL

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