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Beautiful npc females


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I use CBBE for female characters.

By just adding that it, it changed all the female body's to the same.

Win/win ...


Also add many little tweaks to the texture folder like: Better Females By Bella



This one mod showed me everything I needed to know about adding to the faces.

From there over time I found other textures to replace some of them.

Eyes, Face Shading, Mouth, Hair ... At the moment I have over 2 gigs of just

added face and body textures. At this point I'm not even sure where some of them came from.

Mixing and matching many of them together. Here are a few of the mods ...


XP32 Maximum Skeleton
CBBEv3M Body Replacer Mod
Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
And many miscellaneous textures found over the years.
Dropped in the folders from what I learned from bella ...
I've even manage over time to tweak the mods a bit allowing me to have complete
default Armor/Clothing sets for all the NPC's by changing them with the Vanilla Replacers.
While also having custom player sets they don't use. My characters however can use them all.
I don't need to download Sexy followers as everyone is tweaked.
A few shots:


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For female NPCs I highly recommend all of the Bijin mods by rxkx22, this link will take you to Warmaidens & from there you will also find links to the others - www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038


The link isn't working but the address is correct, so just type it into your address bar

Edited by ElioraArin
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