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help finding Dawnbreaker glow textures


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Ever since i saw this sword i've wanted to change all the glows to blue, but the glow file in the actual models textures is only one part.


i was hoping that someone here either knows, or can tell me how to find out the rest of the textures. i'm hoping they unique and aren't used for anything else, but i guess if they are, if anyone has a way of making new versions of those textures just for the dawnbreaker.


for oblivion i changed textures in the nif file using nifskope, which i guess could work with this but last i checked there wasn't a skyrim nifskope yet.


hope someone can help. thanks!

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yeah well that one is the easy part. i actually found nifskope that opens skyrim files and found the other files that it uses:









so then i extracted them, edited them and put them into a into the dawnbreaker directory. edited the nif by changing the directories, then i tried to save and i get a 'link points to wrong block type' error in something that i didn't even touch. It does this even if i open a random skyrim nif and just try to save it without doing anything.


so once i can figure out how to stop this error than this should work since i already colorized the images in photoshop.

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Its 90% more likely you have an outdated nif.xml file rather than an outdated version of Nifskope.


I would try replacing your nif.xml first, simply because its easier. Find it HERE


yeah i don't think that was it, now i get these errors:


""invalid array size for array" "Extra Data List""

""array Extra Data List invalid""

""device position incorrect after block number 12 (BSLightingShaderProperty) at 0x3377 ended at 0x337f (expected 0x33df)""

""invalid array size for array" "Extra Data List""

""array Extra Data List invalid""

""device position incorrect after block number 21 (BSLightingShaderProperty) at 0xbd42 ended at 0xbd4a (expected 0xbda6)""


*edit* and those errors were upon opening the file. the other one is just when trying to save it.

Edited by neok182
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