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Proofed Facts about Skyrim


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fact: none of the gods nor the daedras care who they are making their champion. example: mara makes the champion of 15 daedric princes and the listener of dark brother hood a vessel to distribute her "passion"
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FACT: It is a common pastime of rabbits and foxes in Skyrim to go deep-sea diving amongst icebergs.


FACT: Spriggans are the true evil of Skyrim. Being able to control Dragons and such.


FACT: Horses are the bravest warriors in all of Skyrim and will fight threats with honor and courage.


FACT: Giants only have one toe.


FACT: Dragon skeletons can fly away when hit with a firebolt spell. They must not like being burnt.


FACT: Farengar thinks I should join the Mage's College when I'm quite clearly wearing Arch-Mage robes.


FACT: Despite the fact that I save Whiterun Hold from Dragons on a weekly basis, I'm just another wanderer here to lick the Jarl's boots.

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7. Chickens are sacred in Skyrim like Cow are in India.


I have to be pedantic and report to you that there doesnt even exist in India a word such as 'sacred' - its a christian term.

Also, surprisingly (beat your primary school teacher around the head now, because when you learn christ wasnt born on the 25th it will releave the resultant pressure to absolutely murder them) the cow in India is one of the lowest and least reveared animals.


Just an FYI.


Go on......


Lol. I love how nobody even thinks it's weird that some of us stick trees in our houses on the 25th. "Druid" religions influenced us more than people care to admit.


Also, about the Skyrim facts...


In Skyrim, people will berate you for being naked but they won't bat an eyelash if you throw a broom at someone like a javelin, put a kettle on the shopkeeper's head, and jump on a table while dancing and kicking ale or mead everywhere. They also believe that the time it takes to rehabilitate a multi-mass-murderer is about ten minutes of waiting.

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  • 2 weeks later...


All the people of Skyrim are big Dragonborn fans! Even the guards. Strike someone with a blade - and you are a murderer. Strike the same person with Unrelenting Force to fall to death (in Markarth, for example) - and "hey, you're a Dragonborn"!!!



The commoners of Skyrim are so hard working people that they DO NOT SLEEP at night. Tried to sneak into some commoner's houses to drink some blood - they stay awake ALL NIGHT! Nobility does sleep, by the way.



Even the Skyrim nobility work so hard that they sleep DRESSED and on the blankets. Armored guys sleep in their armor - quite logical in case of emergency get-up. :wink:



People note that my vampire character's skin is pale as snow, but I swear it's the same Altmer golden skin! Skyrim people must have very keen eyes.



Riften citizens belong to the realm of Sheogorath. Merchants, at least. I intimidate them, steal their stuff, wreck their houses, then talk to them and "blessings of Mara upon you, brother"! And they suddenly begin to love me. Either they have real problems with their heads or Mara is a VERY powerful godess.


Added a little later.



Bees are really SLOW in Skyrim. I mean, try to catch a real bee! But in Skyrim they just hang in the air waiting to be caught. And they don't bite! Even if you're catching them or wrecking their hive. Are they enchanted by some mage or divine?



There are dogs in Skyrim, all right, but where are the CATS? Are they invisible? Or have they grown to the sabercats eating that big rats?

Edited by landy8
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Bees are really SLOW in Skyrim. I mean, try to catch a real bee! But in Skyrim they just hang in the air waiting to be caught. And they don't bite! Even if you're catching them or wrecking their hive. Are they enchanted by some mage or divine?



you mean sting?? :P


anyway. my bees dont sting me when i catch them to!

Edited by magiii
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There are dogs in Skyrim, all right, but where are the CATS? Are they invisible? Or have they grown to the sabercats eating that big rats?


Killed by the kajiit they want be the only kitten in skyrim :)


or the khajiits are the cats? like velociraptors turned into birds. but in reverse like the cats turned into khajiits.

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