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About nosisab

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    SKyrim, The Witcher 2
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  1. If the issue persists try setting the Vsync on to limit the framerate (you might want to force it at the game's profile in the videocard driver), there is a known issue with the engine physics going nuts when the framerate is too high. Since it's not a First Person Shooter there is no significant impact if you can get stable 60FPS. Disregard the post case it's not a FPS issue.
  2. Set ownership. The vendor will not sell anything owned by someone else (at least not the honest ones).
  3. Fear the mighty mudcrab, don't sit on rocks near rivers or you may lose the chance to create a dynasty.
  4. Did you remove mods recently? more meaningful, did you install music packs mods and removed them afterwards? Some music packs are designed to include new music and some are designed to replace the original music files. This last case would remove the music completely if the mod is removed. One solution would be asking Steam to verify the game's cache integrity and it would probably reload the missing files, the drawback is it could recreate the ini files removing anything mods may be put in there. So, if attempting this procedure is advisable creating backups for the ini files under the game's folder at the Documents folder. Edit - Well, I suppose the slider for music on the game's options is not totally at left
  5. Normal sure is not. But Oblivion has a history or memory leaking and then can be pretty common it crashing in a straight hour or so of playing. Is advisable saving the game, quitting it completely and coming again anew just to grant the memory is cleansed. Do it after reasonable time playing straight, if not for anything else, it may be good for you also :)
  6. wisdom is inverse its self belief.
  7. There is no need to update SKSE from the beta patch, it is the same, just had the reference to the beta patch changed to runtime at the site. No structural change needing change in SKSE version.
  8. I have no idea. Can''t sleep, Lydia will eat me. Can''t sleep, Lydia will eat me. Can''t sleep, Lydia will eat me. Can''t sleep, Lydia will eat me. Or maybe she is the one who can't sleep for fear you would eat her :)
  9. That's a double edge problem, on one side could be better getting a 7870 1GB VRAM due to sheer power processing, on the other side the extra VRAM may help running many high texture resolution mods. Having it, my personal choice would be the more powerful card instead just more VRAM. Besides is important to know that Skyrim is strongly CPU bound and most probably eventual slowdowns you may get is due to the CPU and not the video card. I tell you this because I have an FX 8150 (and had a 6100 before) and Bulldozer is not good at games or any light threaded application. Don't get me wrong, it will work, just not so nicely as it could. The Piledriver architecture (as in the Vishera 8350 or equivalent) improved on the Bulldozer main flaw but the IPS issue is yet felt.
  10. That's a double edge blade... One take Oblivion's Midas Magic with elaborated quests to get items to create the spells, that's wonderful of course but soon enough there were those asking for a way to cheat the whole thing and get them at once. In skyrim xilver just "hide" a container at Riverwood with tomes to all them. I know that may be frustrating to an author to put so much effort in quests and whatever procedure to make "worthy" the quest for the resource, but... c'est la vie. In time: that's not a spoil since that way to get the spells is explicit in the mod's description.
  11. More specifically, the lack of ESM needed for an yet active mode is cause of startup crashes. Did you uninstall or have non active ESMs? Sometimes the crash happens when trying to load a save which refers to assets non existent anymore (not so that at startup but still soon enough), in that case the most common cause is not following correct uninstall procedure which should disable all possible active scripts on the save before removing the mod.
  12. Yes, just make sure the meshes files point to correct textures subdirectories (try using relative paths) and that should work fine.
  13. wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom
  14. The log is telling the game is trying to access resources not existent anymore. Don't you remember the mods those messages refer? They should give you an idea of what's the missing mod, reinstall it and follow the correct procedure to uninstall so to not leave leftovers in the savegame.
  15. Yes, 25 mods (albeit more now and still stable). That's the point actually, I like to chose the mods to install so the game don't lose the character and becomes a confuse mess. Hardly I ran two overhauls at same time for that would probably kill the experience each one brings. The mention of my rig was to say it is far from so good as yours and I get no crashes in Skyrim for long time now. What was meant was overloading the system is not the best way to get it stable. Edit - the amount of memory is related to the number of threads the game can deal at same time, before the patch to 64 bits lack of memory management capacity could be the cause of crashes but telling the game is crashing for not "having" more memory is a long shot for it's not it is trying to get more and don't having, actually it can't even fill the max as yourself noticed, what is causing crash in your setup is something else, those much mods almost certainly is causing some kind of problem. Remember that having many mods don't imply they are all active at same time, then is not only the quantity but how they behave together. More mods, greater the chances for conflicts.
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