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[LE] Creation Kit Kills My Computer - Help Needed

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So, over these last couple days I've encountered a terrible problem with creation kit... I have about 300 or so hours put into the CK and I'm using the same computer I always have so I am not sure what the issue is. The only difference is that I recently completely reinstalled Skyrim and the CK. Basically after I have been modding for about 20-30 minutes my entire computer reboots itself. It only happens when using CK. I can play Skyrim fine, I can do other work from home just fine for hours on end. But for some reason the creation kit causes my entire computer to reboot. If anyone has any ideas regarding how I could fix this, that would be amazing! Thanks!


- AirtightSpring

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Have you opened the cover and blown canned air inside recently?

Thanks! I just tried this as well as dusting off my computer box/shell and had a good hour long CK session. Fingers crossed it keeps working.


Also: I installed a program to monitor how close my computer is to overheating, so hopefully I'll catch it before it gets to close again if the problem persists, or at least be able to figure out what in CK causes the excessive strain on my computer. Thanks for the help everyone!

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