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Navmesh Issue and Request for Assistance


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I have a house mod on Skyrim that I am porting over to SSE everything is a go except for a Navmesh issue that I haven't been able to fix for some time. Upon researching and going back over resources, I have figured out a couple of things and tried to fix the obvious but there was no change. I would appreciate someone looking over the images and seeing if they can help troubleshoot this problem. The issue is that my followers can go in but they cannot come out, in the original version they end up showing up across the lake form the house, but in the SSE version they don't come out at all. Both door portals are working, what I did notice in the CK is that when I click on the interior portal to go to the exterior one I end up in the area with out the structure in place just the door and if I click on the exterior one I end up in front of the door just outside the interior cell.


In this image I know that I have to remove the navmesh on top of the existing one in front of the door. In the original version I did that and it made no difference. I tried finalizing after the change but the green area remained the same I know that the green area is wrong somehow.




This is the same area with the navmesh in "on top view". I made no changes to the existing navmesh before placing the structure on top of the land the only thing I did was some landscape changes to remove some grass and debris. It looks to me like the navmesh is overlapping in places aside form the part I placed and know needs to be removed and is far above the entrance of the structure.




This is the same area with only the navmesh showing.





And this is the interior cell.




If anyone sees anything I'm missing I would appreciate any information, the house is well liked and it's fine except for this issue.




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I made no changes to the existing navmesh before placing the structure on top of the land the only thing I did was some landscape changes to remove some grass and debris.



Then don't and verify.

Edited by Purr4me
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As stated at the beginning that was a navmesh I started but removed from the the original version once I realized it was overlapping the existing navmesh. I removed it and then verified but the area that is green remained like it is and didn't look right. Removing that piece of navmesh made no difference with the issue. I was thinking I should just remove the existing portals and replace them with new ones to see if it will change the situation, but I think the problem is in the exterior navmesh not the interior one.


Thanks for looking I appreciate it.

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As stated at the beginning that was a navmesh I started but removed from the the original version once I realized it was overlapping the existing navmesh. I removed it and then verified but the area that is green remained like it is and didn't look right. Removing that piece of navmesh made no difference with the issue. I was thinking I should just remove the existing portals and replace them with new ones to see if it will change the situation, but I think the problem is in the exterior navmesh not the interior one.


Thanks for looking I appreciate it.


From the looks of it you need to remove any Navmesh that you have added to the exterior. You can then modify not remove the existing Navmesh, by adding verts to the edges so the green area is only outside the door. Also it appears from the pics, that the original navmesh is extending under your structure which could be the issue. It is OK to remove small portions of vanilla navemesh, in a cell as long as you do not remove it all. Your best bet would be to turn on Borders in the CK with the "B" key, and select all the vanilla navmesh in the cell, and move it straight down very low. Then you can make new navmesh in that cell and you should be fine.

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