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No grass


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EDIT: Never mind, it's back. Not sure why...




I have a problem where all of the grass in my game is gone. Besides the randomly placed bushes/grass along the roads there is nothing anywhere. I don't remember when it disappeared, but I have used to use to serious HD landscape mod, could that had caused this? But as I said; I don't remember if it happened before or after that. I re-installing the game, but that did not work, and from my search on google I got nothing.


This is stuff looks like now. >_>




Pretty sure there is supposed to be at least some grass there...


Wut do?

Thanks for any help.

Edited by DatNord
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1st check and make sure your grass distance isn't set to min. in your setting.... you can also open your console and type in "TG" without quotes this toggles grass on/off.. worst case is that the Grass Textures are not verified to the meshes in your HD mod if this is the case unistalling or reinstalling the mod will help.. remember mods will stay in the games data folder even if you uninstall and reinstall the game itself.
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  • 2 months later...

In case anyone else has this problem, my grass came back when I backed up then deleted my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini. Run the game from the launcher and voila!

Add the ini edits back from the back ups one section at a time to find the culprit/s if you wish...

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