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New to modding and need some advice


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Hey all, im new to making mods but not new to modding so i have a good understanding of how game files wrk and are located and what not. Now the only mods that I would like to create are animation mods so ice been looking into tutorials for 3ds max animating. My question is, are animation mods really hard to do? I know ones with scripts get nutty and so I'm stay away from scripting for right now. But let's say a simple idle of a character yawning, do you guys think that is aiming to high for a first mod or is that reasonably attainable? Thank you in advance for help:)
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An option would be to find a script wizard Modder and team up with them.


As I mentioned in your other thread, an option for you might be to become an Animation Wizard, and provide animations for anyone to use (if they credit you!).


For example, you could upload a mod that purely contains animations. Then, if a Modder wants to use your animation in their mod, they have to download yours first. Their mod would then require yours as a master file (ensuring you get recognition as users would be required to download your mod too), giving them a pool of animations to access.


So, say you upload your crawl animation in there, plus some yawning and sleeping idles. You might include the option to activate the idles via the NMM installer (I think the term is FOMOD?).


You then go and make your Immersive Crippling mod (separately), which requires you animation mod to work.


At some point down the line another Modder wants to use you crawl animation in a quest, so they download your animation mod to make theirs, referencing your file to activate the animations. Anyone using this mod would then be required to download your base animation mod too.


As time goes on you keep updating your animation library mod. Because all it contains is animations it is perfectly safe - it won't break anyone's game (hopefully), and you get to be mod-famous.

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I think the majority of modders consider animating to be on of the hardest things to learn which is why animators are so rare. So I don't think most people would consider it starting "small", but don't let that deter you. If animating is what you really enjoy and want to learn, go for it! You'll definitely be in high demand if you become good at it. :D

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Hmm i hear ya, ill still be pursuing that, is there a fallout 4 skeleton like xpms? I use cbbe and plan to use that body mesh during my animation, i assume I need to give credit to caliente and potentiLly xpms?

For compatibility reasons, wouldn't it make more sense to use the vanilla body? Just in case it wouldn't work without it, or ended up being female only.


Having said that, I think the bones are the same? No idea about xpms, but the Other Site might know more. Actually, I believe they have some stuff there about a FO4 animation framework?

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