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Married Janessa - HELP!!!


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I'm fairly new to the game, started playing a week ago. I had heard that instead of spending the $5K it takes to buy a house, that you can marry and use their house for storage. I married Janessa. As soon as the ceremony was over she split, and I can't find her. Does she actually have a house in Skyrim? Sucks cause she had a bunch of my loot on her too. I've looked all over for her. I've seen others have asked this question, but I don't see any specific answer. Can someone help?
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According to this page she can be found at the Drunken Huntsman, which means she doesn't have a house.


From the same link...

If you marry and neither of you own property, you and your spouse will be homeless, and your spouse will show up where you regularly see them (at a regular place or wandering around).


You can also try the console command "player.moveto 000B9982" (or 000E1BA9 if that one doesn't work)

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She spends time in the inn called "The Drunken Huntsman" in Whiterun. If you wait one hour at a time and wait until she leaves you can follow her and see where she goes. Also I heard there is a glitch about marriage and the person you marry disappears although I'm not sure if it's true. If you have the patience there is a big list with bugs and glitches in Skyrim here
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Same thing happened to me, I married her and after about 2 days of Skyrim time (Just sleep it off) I found her back at the temple. She mentioned how 'happy' she was that she married me. I don't own a house in Skyrim yet, so we moved to her house. She starts to slowly walk off. But I don't know that she owned a house in Skyrim? Because I only found her at the Huntsmen. So I don't know where her house is... which is really annoying because I stopped following her!-.-
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My wife disappeared, too. I married Isolde in Whiterun, though. After the ceremony she ran like hell. I found her in Whiterun in her usual spot. I then got the option to move her into one of my houses, which I did. I never saw her again. She disappeared from the game. She's not in the house I sent her to, and she never appears in her usual places in Whiterun any more, either. Sigh. How can I divorce the wench?


EDIT: Thanks to this thread, it occurred to me to visit the temple of Mara in Riften again. Voila! Isolde was there. I have no idea why she'd be there ... but there she was. Weird.

Edited by Snowsong
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