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LiFE - Lith Face Enhancement - only one Breton face?


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1.0 What it does?


LiFE is a cosmetic mod for Human Races in skyrim; it adds HQ face textue and NormalMap (2048x2048 in size) that is seamless with the CBBEv3 body or UNP\UNPB body,

15 New lips color, 34 New eyes and 2 Warpaints.

It also adds tint masks for lips, lough lines upper eyes and lower eyes.

Note: This is not replacement\retexture you will have your vanila lips, eyes and warpaints plus the new that LiFE adds,

I made it this way so you could still have your fav eye pack or warpaint pack at the same time with mine.



If you enjoy this mod, please take a moment to endorse and leave a vote and/or a screenshot of your own on the Nexus!

it doesnt add presets. this is a texture overhaul for the face that makes them look better.

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