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infinity boob stretch, when I hit a woman


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hello guys,


I installed


Unnecessary Violence II - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40310

HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 (without animations) - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34442

EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078

BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34324

NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35551

BBB-DR6-UVII-Skeleton-Patch - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40482


with obmm and in that order

and I have obse20 and nifse1.1 if that's important here


now, boob animation works fine, npc boobs move too,

but, when I hit a woman a couple of times their boobs stretch into infinity.

when I manage to kill a woman without getting her boobs stretched and I am lucky and they don't stretch

after taking off her clothes, comes my concern number 2:

the boobs of the ragdolls don't move.


can anyone help me?

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Check out this mod for the BBB on ragdolls: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40739


I'm not sure why you are getting the stretch-to-infinity issue. That usually happens if you don't have a BBB skeleton installed. HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 by Several should include this though. It might help to try disabling the UV mod and skeleton patch. I've successfully had all of the other mods you listed installed (aside from the UV ones) and they all worked ok together.

Edited by ponyboy10
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When I was using one of the 'earlier model, still being refined' versions of the BBB Ragdoll skeleton I do recall seeing something like what you're describing ... not all the time but occasionally. With the latest version of the Ragdoll skeleton I don't have that issue at all. Those later versions were all based off Growlf's universal skeleton. During my research into the problem I did run across a single mention of a somewhat similar problem in Growlf's mod comments, that was attributed by the poster (not Growlf) to something done in one of the later versions of the universal skeleton. I suspect your BBB DR6 UVII skeleton is based off one of his later skeletons, and has inherited some anomalies as a result.


With the BBB Ragdoll skeleton the only on-going issue I have is the weapon freezing in mid air glitch ... seldom reported, so it may be localized to only a few mod/machine combinations.


- Edit - I see you're using the HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12. I use v1dot11 of the same body, and at the time thought the problem may be related to using the H-cup verB (extra bouncy). Is that by any chance your particular body at the moment?

Edited by Striker879
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so, can I just install the BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics over the skeleton that comes with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12?


I love UVII.. I wouldn't want to miss it =(

but I will try disabling UV and the skeleton patch, just to see if one of these causes the problem.


I am using E-cup and lightest bounce.

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I don't use DR6/UVII myself so I can't offer any guidance there about whether the Ragdoll skeleton works with them or not. I guess we can cross extra bouncy from the list of suspects (I had sort of come to that conclusion previously ... I'm known to go fishing on occasion, looking for things out of the usual list of suspects).
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but I will try disabling UV and the skeleton patch, just to see if one of these causes the problem.


I think you don't need to disable the whoöe UVII. Just disable skeleton switching in the UVII ini. This is a problem described in UVII's manual.

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