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Settlements build themselves mod


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I remember this was a major project a few months ago and I was wondering if anyone had information on it? I can't remember it's exact name but I remember it used a system where settlements build on their own depending on settler population and it could be disabled by hitting a switch near a settlement workbench.
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I know exactly the mod you are talking about. I've spent months trying to find it. I swear to God I added it to my tracking list, but it's not there. It just seemed to have disappeared... So yes, if anyone has any info on it, I too would be very interested. It looked really great.

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I seem to remember it looking different to the above - so maybe I'm thinking of another mod. Either way, this one basically does the same thing. Thanks for responding, Orc! Too bad Eskarn doesn't plan on finishing it as it would have been an instant classic.

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  • 3 months later...

Hate to kick the old bucket and revive this but I believe this may have been what you were looking for, I've had trouble finding it oddly hahaha :D Youtube showed me the way though. Here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21872/?



Even if not it's a similar type of mod, all are great I'm sure. I'll leave this on here for anyone else looking for it. :cool:

Edited by Simdrew1993
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I've been using Sim Settlement and yea, it's the type I wanted for awhile. It's really fun and an indirect way to feel like you actually founded a city but settlers build and expand it.
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its not entirely the same but...Sim Settlements takes care of a lot of the stuff for you all you do is place plots and they handle the rest. I know its not to the extent you are describing where you have an entirely hands off approach to settlements but its the closest thing at the moment

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