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Plase Help: Game Crashing less than 2 min in game


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I have a lot of mods loaded (222 installed, 173 active plugins), everything was working fine till I started to load the environmental mods.

Now I am Crashing after less than 3 min in game on any save, also crashes when starting new game even before the intro vid starts.

(Both instances of crashing with no error messages)

I uninstalled the enviro mods but the crashing keeps happening, Updated and rolled back drivers.

My guess is Skyrim sucks at memory management. I have 4 gigs VRAM running SLI and 16 Gigs RAM,

but Skyrim seems to overflow the VRAM instead of loading up the RAM, VRAM goes to 1900 MB on both cards but only 2 Gigs in RAM.

VRAM maxes out with vanilla settings, (even less than Nvidia optimized settings) standing inside Helgen Keep, right at start of game, doing nothing.

Going to start uninstalling the most memory hogging mods next, but that seems futile since non of the mods I have affect the area I am in, nor do they need VRAM.


Would someone please look at my load-out and tell me if they see any problems


Please and Thank you


My Load Order:


My Rig:

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Sorry, you have 2gbs vram. Look up SLI vram usage.


There is no official SLI profile for this game & the workarounds are hit & mis.


My SLI rig is using only one GPU for now.


This is not a happy situation for SLI users. A profile is already out for Dishonored 2 but this game is being ignored.





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face light works and Skyui 2.2 works without SKSE or SKSE64 with no problems,

I am fairly certain it is a memory issue,

when the game is only taking up 2 gigs of RAM, but I have 12 gigs of mods loaded, something is wrong..

I can get FO4 to take up 10 gigs of RAM, running over 350 mods..


BUT, I guess I will do a "Tabula Rasa" this week,

load one mod log in wait 10 min, rinse repeat; till i find the offending set.


Still hopping someone can see something in my load order

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Which mod goes with GMG0050HF.esp?

Greenmount Gardens SSE


just wiped everything, have a clean install, going to start loading the mods again in an hour or 2.

Will use this thread to post results if not for the benefit of anyone else wanting to use this many mods,

then for my own knowledge, I really hope it is just a load order or buggy nod rather than bad Skyrim memory management...

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