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CTDing after seeing this


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So I've been noticing lately that if I loot dead stuff or anything with a menu I sometimes get a weird graphic issue in the inventory are then Skyrim Ctd's. This time I opened my map to fast travel and I was able to get a good screenshot of the graphic error.






Any idea what or how this happened? It looks like some sort of SkyUI bug but i'm unsure. If needed I can post my mod order. Though only if asked for. x.x;

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looks like your graphics card is either overheating or it's about to die. This looks like what is called artifacting. If you're GPU is overclocked unoverclock it immediately. Unplug your pc, touch something metal to discharge static, take out your GPU, get a can of compressed air and blow out all the dust. Download a program called COREtemp. Run it, and get your GPU temps.

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looks like your graphics card is either overheating or it's about to die. This looks like what is called artifacting. If you're GPU is overclocked unoverclock it immediately. Unplug your pc, touch something metal to discharge static, take out your GPU, get a can of compressed air and blow out all the dust. Download a program called COREtemp. Run it, and get your GPU temps.



This would make sense. I'll have the comp checked out and cleaned. Once we were trying to upgrade the card to make it play ESO better. But we found the older video card was better in graphics than the brand new one. .w. Thank you very much for telling me this. Guess we will have to use the new one after all. xD

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