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Trying to remove purple hue from soul gems


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We're more geared to bug solving over here. Might be more helpful to head over here for this, someone there probably will be more knowledgeable.

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Yeah, that was a problem with your old gems. They all had that purple color.

The easiest way to do this would be to delete the "BsLightiningShaderProperty" and copy and paste the "BsLightiningShaderProperty" of the gem you want (that does not have the purple color), once there, if you want to use the soulgem textures again, change them In "BsTextureSet".

Another way is to delete the "BSLightningShaderPropertyColorController", Set to black the emmisive inside Bslightningshaderproperty to delete the glow, Change the specular color to white and change the environment map for another (shinybright_e.dds; for example) and by the last, change the vertex Colors in NiTriShapeData by right click in vertex colors -> color -> set all -> and choose what u want.

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