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Not so public request for public mod


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I have a superb idea for new mod, was searching and did not found such, and it would be very usable mod for skyrim and as well as to fo4, anyone very experienced in overhauls whisper me please. Most what i can say is to make questing a lot simpler, be it story quests or side quests
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whisper... okay.


*whispers* psst, what's your idea so we know what we're getting into and actually have some interest in the idea. you should know most dont respond to posts like this because being to vague doesnt attract mod makers. *ends whispers*

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Yea sorry, figured that wrote it wrong, so my idea.

Make mod with mcm menu, which would autochoose answers during conversations with quest npc's. And mcm menu would be to configure your "attitude" will you be good guy and save everyone or bad guy, will you join stormcloaks or imperials..

This would allow for fast paced gameplay.

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