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Is the solitude safe... safe?


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  On 1/1/2012 at 12:22 PM, whiteshaix said:

Really? Because I put all my perfect gems in there and I always got them back. Oo And I've been playing that character for at least 250 hours.


Might be a glitch in my game but I put a small fortune in gems in mine and they vanished. :facepalm:

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Talking about the price of bacon... anybody else find the light bloom coming from the ceiling with no windows too bright? Reminds me of the bloom effect on oblivion on the 360 i turned it off as soon as i got it on the PC :D
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Yeah I put setownership on the two barrels outside Warmaidens, one for crafting mats and one for things they couldn't pay me for, very handy to have in slo-walking distance for all those heavy mats and items. It was fine for ages but then after I installed 1.3.1 there was just a couple of onions in there :(

I'm thinking that the patch might have reset all the expected non-player containers, because I also spawned a barrel outside the blacksmith in the thieves guild and that held on to everything fine. Just a hunch tho.

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