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Cave bears, the new cliff racers.


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I'm really beginning to see the bears in the same light as the cliff racers. Same 'oh, no, not again' annoyance. :rolleyes:
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dragons are far more anoying...


I wish for a fantasy RPG, where there is no quest- I'm free to get on with my life as a murdering thief, without havint to play with some tacked on system/ be keen for the monarchy / give a toss about the world and weather or not it gets blasted...

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dragons are far more anoying...


I wish for a fantasy RPG, where there is no quest- I'm free to get on with my life as a murdering thief, without havint to play with some tacked on system/ be keen for the monarchy / give a toss about the world and weather or not it gets blasted...

Join the DB and Stormcloaks, that takes away a rant or two ;)

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I think actually bears are far less annoying. You don't need to fight every bear/wolf/sabrecat that cames across, you can simply use that calming shout on them and keep going. Unless you need ingredients. ^^;

Never tried to calm cliff racers with a spell though, so I don't know if that could work.

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