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Some simple ideas


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I may make some of these myself, but I am not laying claim to the ideas. If someone wants to take a stab at any of them once the CS is released, go right ahead with my blessing.


-Drag-able carts. Currently the hand-carts will roll if pushed but cannot be dragged. I propose either making them interactive like a corpse, or giving them a special "follow" script that enables the character to make use of them.


-Optional long versions of the wagon rides, so that you can hop off part-way through your journey, or simply enjoy the scenery.


-"This is your home" command for followers, as well as time-dependent commands (so they might cook and eat breakfast in the mornings, smith in the afternoons, etc.)


-Snowball fight games with children


-Deeper, faster, stronger rivers

Edited by JanusForbeare
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Carts. To each their own. I could care less :P


Long wagon rides? Yes please. Cabbies have the most interesting stories.


Companions doing house work. What wives (or husbands) are for.


Snowball fights? omg yes. "oh, you want to hit me with an iceball? Ok then" *holds snowball in hand in front of mouth* "FUS RO...." Kid goes home crying :D Epic win.

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-Drag-able carts. -> Agree. When looting a place, the PC can use it to get stuff back home or to a vendor. It crazy for on person to carry nearly 500 pounds of shield, swords, armour, ingots etc


-Optional long versions of the wagon rides, -> Very tempting. :)


-"This is your home" command for followers,-> Agree. Very handy if you choose to operate out of (for ex) Whiterun and you dont use Lydia as follower.


-Snowball fight games with children. :) Cant hurt to have something else to play.


-Deeper, faster, stronger river. -> Doesn't need to be deeper, just stronger. The PC or NPC will lose its footings and be carried away. Taking damage and stamina on the ride...

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