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Script Issue


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Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with a script not saving correctly.


The script is as follows




begin gamemode
if AQtestNPCREF.getdead 1
if GetObjectiveDisplayed AQquest1 10
setstage AQquest1 20
In this script, I'm trying to get it so that when I kill a specific NPC and the quest has reached an objective index of 10, the quest goes to stage 20 and it completes.
What am I doing wrong?
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Your script should look like this ...



begin gamemode
if AQtestNPCREF.getdead == 1
if GetObjectiveDisplayed AQquest1 10 == 1
setstage AQquest1 20
Edited by Mktavish
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You don't really need the "== 1"s. The only problem with your original script was that you'd put "GetDead 1" (was that meant to be GetDead == 1?), and that you were missing an endif. Indenting helps with that, though I understand you might have just left that out when typing your post.


Anyway, here's what I mean:

begin GameMode
	if (AQtestNPCREF.GetDead)
		if (GetObjectiveDisplayed AQquest1 10) 
			SetStage AQquest1 20

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You don't really need the "== 1"s. The only problem with your original script was that you'd put "GetDead 1" (was that meant to be GetDead == 1?), and that you were missing an endif. Indenting helps with that, though I understand you might have just left that out when typing your post.


Anyway, here's what I mean:

begin GameMode
	if (AQtestNPCREF.GetDead)
		if (GetObjectiveDisplayed AQquest1 10) 
			SetStage AQquest1 20




Both "GetDead" & "GetObjectiveDisplayed" say they return 1 if the specified subject is true.

So why wouldn't you need to ask if it == 1 ?


That would be out of the norm for most any "Get" function wouldn't it ?

Not saying your wrong ... but why these functions ... and how many others ?

Edited by Mktavish
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Cipscis explains this in more detail here but essentially when you use an if or while you're setting up some code which will run when an expression is evaluated to true. True is defined as any non-zero value.


if [deadNPC].GetDead

...is true because it will return 1 - a non-zero value.


if PlayerREF.GetItemCount Stimpak

...is true if the player has any number of Stimpaks.

On the other hand,

if [deadNPC].GetDead == 1

...will also return true. Including the == operator simply adds an extra step, as == will only return true if left and right are equal.

Basically, the first example is saying "if (1)" - yes, 1 is true so the code runs; and the second example is saying "if (1 == 1)" - yes, 1 equals 1 so true again.

Turning it on its head,

if [deadNPC].GetDead == 0

...is saying "if (1 == 0)" which is false, so the code won't run.

It's a minor thing, and I thought the same as you at first, but its useful to know when optimising code. Using more operators will be more performance intensive, especially in large foreach and while loops. Priority means that conditions don't evaluate left to right either, which can be important if you have an && and the function to the right shouldn't be called if the function to the left evaluates to false. I always omit unnecessary operators for these reasons (and I think it looks nicer).

Edited by PushTheWinButton
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Ahh ... thanks for the info.


By the way ... can you elaborate a bit on this statement , and maybe give an example ?


"Priority means that conditions don't evaluate left to right either, which can be important if you have an && and the function to the right shouldn't be called if the function to the left evaluates to false."

Edited by Mktavish
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See the GECK "NVSE Expressions" page for the list of operators and their precedence, along with examples.


In short: Lower precedence values such as "0" (for instance the assignment operator ":=") get evaluated first, and higher values such as "14" (the parentheses) get evaluated later, no matter what order they appear within a line of code. More than one operator can have the same precedence, in which case "left to right" order of appearance governs. This is so values can be substituted in place of calculations or function calls to then get compared properly, or have a valid mathematical calculation, etc.


Scripts are processed by a "parser" which reads in one line at a time, evaluates that line for operators and functions and values, and then proceeds to make substitutions of values in place of those "abstract elements" (operators, functions, and calculations) in order to produce a meaningful result. The parser then repeats this process for the next line of code, which may be determined by the result of the line it just parsed (i.e. the "then" portion of an "if ... then ... else" statement). This "line by line" real-time interpretation is the primary difference between a "script" and compiled code.



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It should be noted that the engine actually evaluates ALL expressions in a condition, regardless if one has already evaluated to FALSE.


if someVar == 7 && npcRef.GetDead && GetStage VCG01 == 100
   ; do stuff
In that example, if someVar doesn't equal 7, GetDead is still called on npcRef, GetStage is still called on VCG01, and the return value of GetStage is still compared to 100.


It's uglier code to nest IF statements, but it's more efficient because of how asinine the compiler is:

if someVar == 7
   if npcRef.GetDead
      if GetStage VCG01 == 100
         ; do stuff
In this rewrite, execution moves to the line after the last ENDIF after only determining that someVar is not 7, skipping the other evaluations.

Note that IF statements can only be nested inside each other 10-deep.



If you're comparing a variable or function return against 0, it's more efficient to use ELSE than to make the comparison using the == operator:

if someRef.GetDisabled
   ; do stuff, because the ref isn't disabled
The scripting engine does a lot of things differently from actual programming languages and compilers. Edited by luthienanarion
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It should be noted that the engine actually evaluates ALL expressions in a condition, regardless if one has already evaluated to FALSE.


if someVar == 7 && npcRef.GetDead && GetStage VCG01 == 100
   ; do stuff
In that example, if someVar doesn't equal 7, GetDead is still called on npcRef, GetStage is still called on VCG01, and the return value of GetStage is still compared to 100.


It's uglier code to nest IF statements, but it's more efficient because of how asinine the compiler is:

if someVar == 7
   if npcRef.GetDead
      if GetStage VCG01 == 100
         ; do stuff
In this rewrite, execution moves to the line after the last ENDIF after only determining that someVar is not 7, skipping the other evaluations.

Note that IF statements can only be nested inside each other 10-deep.



If you're comparing a variable or function return against 0, it's more efficient to use ELSE than to make the comparison using the == operator:

if someRef.GetDisabled
   ; do stuff, because the ref isn't disabled
The scripting engine does a lot of things differently from actual programming languages and compilers.



So in order to get subsequent "If" evaluations bypassed ... you have to step it / make a new line starting with "if" ?

Which then needs an "endif" matching each "if" ?


... And so we are clear ... when using the "&&" for up to 10 comparisons ... All of them function behind one "If"

Therefore only one "endif" is needed ? Delineating the difference I suppose ?

Edited by Mktavish
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