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white black and grey screen of death


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after playing skyrim for no more then a few minitues it will freeze and the whole screen will go either black grey or white. and somtmes my whole computer restarts i have no idea whats causing this.


i know its not a heat issueas it happend very soon after turning my computer on.


skyrim has been running fine from release date untill a few days ago.


as far as i can tell all other games work fine

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I wouldn't rule out heat, a PC can overheat very quickly, although your other games working tends to lessen the chance of that.


Firstly I'd verify the game cache, right click on the game your Steam library and select "Properties", under the "Local Files" tab you'll find "Verify Integrity of Game Cache", press it and let it do its thing.


If that fails to fix it then remove/disable mods you have installed. I would especially look at those visual ones that add a DLL, things like ENB.


Reinstall your video drivers.


Finally I'd stop Windows automatically rebooting, it would be better to get a Blue Screen of Death with an error message, at least then you'll have something to go on. To disable auto restarts right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties", Click "Advanced System Settings", click the "Advanced" tab and under "Start up and Recovery" click "Settings". Now under "System Failure" uncheck "Automatically Restart". You may have to reboot, from now on you should get a Blue Screen of Death with an error message, make a note of it and post it here. There may be a hardware problem.

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ive tried all that except for installing teh video drives. have to find the install discs.


this is strange as it was working fine on release date and started crashing a few days ago.


is there any other souliton you can think of

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ok i reinstalled my video drivers and it still crashes.. and i turn off auto restart but that doesnt seem to help as it just freezes and does not restart. i get no blue screen or error message. one minite im playing fine and then its blank screen
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Remember that Skyrim itself cannot DIRECTLY cause a blue screen or system crash.


It only passes commands and data to the drivers that handle everything.


True bugs merely kick out out ( CTD's or Crashes to Desktop ). The OS and drivers should properly handle bad calls, etc. without crashing.


If your system crashes, look to a hardware issue.


I've found that Skyrim puts a lot of load on the CPU. I've used it to find hardware problems on a couple of laptops, that would do exactly as you've said only when running Skyrim.


In each case it has turned out that overheating was to blame, in once case the video chipset, in another the CPU and in a third RAM was getting too hot due to the exhaust from the CPU and video coolers.

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