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Lockpickin' Mod (hopefully)


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Okay, here's my Idea. I don't believe it has been done exactly, I have seen a few variations of it though. Lockpicking by sound. Personally, I think the lockpicking in Morrowind was entirely worthless(feel free to disagree), and that it lacked both realism and difficulty in Oblivion. Skyrm makes some key changes that add a lot to the authenticity of the game, and I respect that. However, I feel it needs some key changes, which I shall now proceed to list.


1-SOUND. Given that you have no way to auto attempt and spam lockpicks, and skill(here I mean your actual skill and not your lockpicking level) is now essentially irrelevant, I feel that there should be a little help for those of us who don't get along with locks and/or dislike spending money on the damn picks. This would entail a *slightly* different clicky noise when the correct tumbler is triggered, to be increased by perks (probably replacing that useless "start with lockpick nearer to the opening position" perk. Unfortunately, I myself have little skill at Modding, therefore I need a little help ;-) If anyone could point me to and/or describe how I could

-Trigger a different sound to play when you hit the correct tumbler and not the default click

-Tweak the lockpick positions for open( might just be me but its always in one of five spots around the lock)

-Find anyone interested in actually making the sound would be epic as my mic is broken:-(


I don't think I'm the only one frustrated by the only difference in locks being the size of the sweet spot. I'll try and think of some ideas, and you are welcome too.



Please add any ideas you think would be helpful:-)

Feel free to correct my grammar or spelling, or ask for clarification on anything. Aaand if this has already been done tell me xD



1-learn how to mod

2-make the mod

3-improve on mod.

Edited by RbtRvltin
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Lockpicking is a flash minigame, I believe. An accomplished Flash coder would be needed to rewrite it to do what you want.

Oooh. I think I might have Flash somewhere hiding on my hard drive, I'm gonna go try and find the file now, thanks. :D

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