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Problem with Setting Furniture Markers


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I'm using a bed resource that did not come with a furniture marker. Now I did convert the mesh to be compatible with SSE. Placed furniture marker node in nifskope and had to manipulate the bed around a bit to get it to set correctly with the furniture marker because the mesh is a day bed. See pic and furniture info below.


The problem is that when I go in game when you get to the area where the invisible markers would be you suddenly take a step upward and the animation has you floating next to the bed and when you use the bed, again floating above the bed.


Any advise appreciated.










Any insights on how to address this would help and be appreciated. I am totally new to working nifskope.

Edited by NexBeth
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Haven't worked in SSE yet, but I've been working extensively with Vanilla bed furniture to try and extend my bedroll blankets mod to all Skyrim beds. Furniture markers are a bit finicky. The offset coordinates set the position where the actor is going to finish the animation (i.e. when he's lying down).


One thing you could try is drastically lower the Z offset to see if it makes a difference - ex: 10.000 is just a bit higher than the bedroll furniture offset, with that the actor should be almost buried under your mattress. If it is, you'll have to adjust the Z offset through trials and errors to get it right.


If changing the Z offset makes no difference, it may be a collision issue - have you checked in Nifskope that you collision object matches the BSTriShapes? If the collision object is higher than your meshes, the actor will position on top of the collision plane, no matter what the Offset specifies.


Just guesses, like I said I've only modded furnitures in Skyrim, but by the looks of it, I'd think they're pretty similar in SSE.

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Thanks you for your comments. I was thinking about lowering the actual marker to see if that helps. Didn't think about the collision. New to nifskope. Will take a look at those issues and hopefully this can be resolved.

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It may be a collision issue - have you checked in Nifskope that you collision object matches the BSTriShapes? If the collision object is higher than your meshes, the actor will position on top of the collision plane, no matter what the Offset specifies.




I'm thinking that this is actually the issue. I've spent a lot of time already trying to figure this issue and nifskope out (totally beginner) and I believe I actually did try lowing the marker with no result. However, the bed itself had to be moved around to accommodate the new marker I placed, but I didn't think about collision.


Update: It's definitely collision. I found the collision button and turned it on, and it is 90 deg off. Thanks!!

Edited by NexBeth
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Yeah, makes sense it was a collision issue.


My understanding is you just rotated the bed's mesh 90° to match the FurnitureMarker's position, right? The thing is, transformation needs to be applied to the complete BSFadeNode (1st line on top) in order to transform collision together with the NiTriShapes.


I guess you're left with 2 choices here:


1. Either rotate both collisionObject and NiTriShape together - here's a link to one of my Forum topics where IcecreamAssassin and Tamira helped me figure this out:




In this instance, I was trying to reduce the size of my nif, but the process will be the same with rotating.


2. Or: do not transform your original .nif, just leave it as it is, collisionObject and NiTriShape untouched, reimport your FurnitureMarkerNode, like you did the first time, and rotate it 90° to match your collisionObject's orientation.


In order to do that, you need to edit the "heading" block, right under "offset". The one you've used is set to 0.000000 but if you look at the bedroll one, it's set to 3.141593 (pretty close to Pi number - I have to thank Tamira for pointing that out for me!), which is rotated about 180° degrees as compared to the Commom Bed FurnitureMarkerNode. So if you want to rotate yours 90°, try setting its heading to 1.570797 or -1.570797 - half the bedroll's heading value of 3.141593, that should be fairly close to 90°.


And since you can only climb this bed from one side, don't forget to remove one of the entry properties, either in NifSkope or in the CK.


Just let me know if any of this works for you :).

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Very detailed, Hoamii. I will attempt to address this with the info you provide. The reason I rotated the bed rather than the furniture marker was because I couldn't figure out how rotate the marker. I can try doing what you suggested above and will update the results here. Thanks very much!

Edited by NexBeth
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Well, something is still wrong. Feel like I'm searching for a needle in a hay stack. LOL


Here is what appears in nifskope now.






Note that the nifscope marker is showing the head position where the feet should be. The reason I did that is because the CK-2nd pic-does not show the marker in the proper place (at the head). However, ingame, the head is at the feet so what the CK displays is actually wrong. Also the actor is still floating even though the marker in nifscope appears correct height as bed.





Ingame also shows actor way off to the side, even though the marker is aligned in nifskope.


However, I can keep playing around with it to see if I can get it positioned right. Could have easily used an invisible marker, but, what the heck, wouldn't have learned.


Thanks so much for your help!

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Yeah, fiddling with Nifskope settings does feel like searching for a needle in a haystack at times, I know all about it!.. ;) (+ the game engine really doesn't help sometimes).


It looks like rotating the FurnitureMarker works though (that's what you did, right?) - but your actor is still finishing the animation placed on top of the railing's collision plane. I've seen that happen too with the Vanilla NoblebedDouble02 in game!..Or that may be a matter of reducing the X and Y offset value of the marker if your bed model is narrower then other Skyrim beds - however that doesn't always work as expected.


Anyway, you Nifskope pix shows that the actor's head is positioned towards the wrong side of the bed - yet in the CK and in game it does face the proper direction, another oddity.


Yet I did this (rotate markers) in my sleeping bags mod, and it worked. I'll try and take a closer look at it tonight.


And yeah, if you're planning to use this only in the CK and not make it a modder's resource, it sure would be faster to place your bed mesh and an invisible marker as separate objects in the CK!.. :thumbsup:

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