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Hi all,


I have a manic need to remove the glowing segments from (mostly enclave) tileset assets.


It's a personal preference, visually, the featureless emissive/glowing things bother me to such an extent I have sunk hours into removing them. The worst are those "bug zapper" tubes which are light fixtures or whatever on enclave items.


What do I mean?

The blue "bug zapper" tubes on the floor in the Repconn test facility basement, the blue tubes attached to the enclave satelite dish, the blue strips along the walls in Lucky 38 control center, the yellow circular bands on the doors in Hidden Valley bunkers, the list goes on...


I want to remove the flat blue (or yellow) glow from all of these, tone it down, or something. Most of these assets are from "dlc03," which I am thinking is Broken Steel assets that have been reused in NV.


All of these flat glowing/emissive segments on the mesh use "glasstile01.dds" and "glasstile01_n.dds". By making the glass normal map transparent, I was able to make these glowing segments look better.


But I want to go further... on a mesh by mesh basis, I can turn the emissive and specular colors off. However, on some meshes, such as "enclavecomtower," (the dish thing in the link below), part of the blue seems "painted" onto the mesh itself!


This means, if I swap the texture, the metal fixtures which hold the glass tubes still have a blue tint.


W-what? How can I get rid of that? I'd rather not have to use Blender, this should be a NifSkope job, but I'm stumped at this point.


Have any of you guys, in your experience, dealt with this problem, or a similar problem? Any comments or advice? Please!




Look at the thing with satelite dishes, directly above the player's head, in this image.



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