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Creation Kit - Today?


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I don't think he's a native English speaker. :wacko: Maybe I'm just too forgiving.


It was "what" he said, not "how" he said it :laugh:


What did i say which you cant comprehend are you really that stupid. And btw i indeed am not a native english speaker but that does not have an influence on the validity of my argument

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^ Pretty sure he means SDK access and the ability to recompile the exe, the CK only makes plugins that modifiy game mechanics and systems already in place. easy example of a simple 'hard coded' thing a programer could change really easily : adding new slots for animation sets in F3, you can't added any new animation types without replacing them because all the ones in the list are used, a simple solution would be to just add some new ones to the list, but you can't do that in a plugin, you need to do it in the exe, funny thing is that doesn't even need to have been set up in the exe in the first place lol


BGS are getting better at leaving things open for modders imo. I noticed a bunch of stuff they locked in for Ob, then it appears they kinda understood or someone thought about it and made it more open for F3.. I fully expect the CK to hold the most modding potential yet.


Sorry to everyone if i was unclear this is what i meant!!

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I don't think that specifically is addressed by OBSE. What function adds new animation slots? at best I think you script the weapon to override the animations on key presses or some hacky way. Can't see that idea being all that good though.. there is probably a better use of script to simulate that behaviour, but who says it is better than just having an extra slot would just be being silly, even if it isn't buggy.

I agree with this. I never did mods for Oblivion but I did work in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The GECK was very disappointing to me when I entered scripting development because it was very hard to do anything substantial. If you wanted to do something interesting, you had to do things in a very sloppy fashion (even when using script extenders) and even though you could be quite clever it always ended up feeling quite rough around the edges.


If they're not going to provide some sort of SDK (which I don't expect) then they could at least go the way of Neverwinter Nights and expose some of the engine VIA an in-house scripting language (C++ clone or somesuch). Unlikely, but I can dream. :(

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When are people going to start reading......


They said "beginning in January" which means sometime within the month of January, its only the 15th so that means they still have half the month to release it.


They did not say the beginning of January


End of story

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