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Morrowind modding competition mods?


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About a week or so back I read somewhere about a Morrowind modding competition. Not sure if I read about it on here or on Facebook. Bought I thought hell yeah, lots of new Morrowind mods will be on the way. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about this as I haven't really noticed many new mods appearing or heard anything about it since.

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There is this one here: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/news/12960

And that one has a link that points here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5063540-morrowind-modding-madness-a-team-based-modding-competition/


Hopefully that helps a little. Sounds more like a survival thing than a competition, though. :P

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Aye, we have two annual modding competitions for Morrowind, one of which only just started this year (and we'll see if the format proves successful). The current modding competition is the December Morrowind Modding Madness competition, a team-based competition where modders are challenged to build a new mod each week. We're currently on the first week with the "House Mod Challenge", and we have four teams representing 11 modders participating. Right now the teams are kinda scrambling to get their mods out before the deadline, you'll probably see a lot of them pop up in the last 24-hours, and a popular vote poll will be posted here on Friday where you can vote for the best ones.


Our other annual modding competition is the Morrowind May Modathon Month competition that celebrates Morrowind's May 1st birthday by holding a month-long modding competition where modders are encouraged to release participating mods to win weekly prizes and vie for the Mod of the Month award.


Past Morrowind May Modathon Month mods include:


2016 Modathon - 29 Competing Mods Released by 22 Modders:


Atmospheric/Unique Locations:

Old Vos Tradepost By Bauglir



Cave of Wonders By LadyPhoenixFireRose

Nyarlathotep By Rankless Corgi



Chargen Equipment By Daedric Cat

Lore Consistency -- A Morrowind Lore Consistency Mod By PikachunoTM

Inventory Control By Svengineer99 - Requires MWSE 0.9.5 Alpha, MCP 2.3 Beta (Incorrect Item Sound Fix, Enhanced Item Rebalance Patches)

Buff Clipping (AKA Overbuff Kickback) By Svengineer99 - Requires MWSE 0.9.5 Alpha

More Traps By Abot - Requires MWSE 0.9.5 Alpha

Tamrielic Lore By PikachunoTM

Timescale Season and Latitude Scaling By Svengineer99



Sky Diversity By Svengineer99 - Requires MWSE 0.9.5 Alpha, Skies IV, MGE XE 10 Beta, TES3CMD, Image Magick

Dragonscale Shields -- A Lore-Friendly Dragonscale Shield Replacer By PikachunoTM

Scamp Replacer By PeterBitt and Pherim

Better Spriggans By Sigmaund


House Mods:

Vivec St. Delyn Shelter By Tizzo

Mournhold Royal Palace Room By Dagoth Agahnim

Secret Lair By Dagoth Agahnim

TASB - Time and Space Bubble (TARDIS) By Dagoth Agahnim



Bucklers in Morrowind By PikachunoTM

Lucky Coins By Danae

Stashes of Vvardenfell By Elderscrolliangamer aka Publick Gamer


Modder Resources:

Memories of Morrowind By Illy



Azura's Touch for Morrowind By Azurolf



Belial - A Dismal Daedric Companion By HangHimHigher

The Mysterious Hunter By Enclavekiller1

Sweet Rest - The Vivec Tearoom By Rashiel

Apothecary's Demise By MatthewTheBagel


Town Mods:

Himmelryn Point By Carrotferret

Bal Isra Rising By Dagoth Agahnim


2015 Modathon - The First Annual Competition - 15 Competing Mods Released By 14 Modders


Isle of the Dead By Trancemaster

Deepscorn By Istreddify

Christmas Like Snowflake Texture By Symibote Dinosaur

Syrinx By Ken Cotterill

Strange Grove By JMK

Poor Aranath By Drewbertt

Nix-Hound Replacer By PeterBitt

Trainer Variety By Tizzo

The Last Scam of Dro Kha'Jay By Phobos_Jugular

Blades Operations - Yunis Jauffre Baurus - Followers and Quest By The Oblivion Fanatic

Arkngthand 2.0 By Ragox

Love in the Time of Daedra By HangHimHigher

Dawn's Island By Whane

The Lucky Pick By Danjb

Shallit Hideout By Istreddify


Personally my favorite mod out of all the competition mods released over the past couple of years has been Love in the Time of Daedra, it's simply a fantastic quest mod, but there's several other great mods on those lists as well.

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